How do you price your SEO Services? SEO Pricing Model - How to structure your Pricing


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so I'going to talk about how do you , price SEO services now I'retried , selling SEO services in the past and I , think I made a few mistakes'vie always , tried selling SEO as a monthly retainer , package at a fixed cost a $5 a month or , $2,W a month but or the last couple of , days'vie been giving it a second , thought because I'm not being happy with , the way things are priced it just did , not make sense to me because actually , realistically when you get down to a , project initially upfront there's a lot , lot mo rework then when there is when , you'vie set things up and you'vie goat , process in place but the first few , months always is a lot more planning , there's a lot more brainstorming there's , a lot more strategic direction that you , need to set for you your team for the , client you need a lot more research , architecture analysis keyword page , mapping so there's a lot mo rework that , is required up front so I don't know how , many of you are doing this but I think , SEO should be priced in two components , initially the first so like what'vie , decided to map out the pricing , strategies like the first three months , there will be an initial upfront , investment which will be for example we , have a basic plan which is say the , initial upfront investment is say $4,W , which covers three months the first , three months of work and then , subsequently for the remainder of the , nine months of the contract it would be , monthly it's a W or dollars or , whatever pricing you might decide but , the idea that'm trying to sellout , here is I think when you are selling to , clients you have to communicate not only , the value of SEO that'SA given you got , to communicate that SEO does take time , and you need to educate them on the , potential upside of how much they , could gain from standing to rank for the , term that they're looking to rank for , but you have to communicate that , pricing if you if you force yourself , into pricing it that way you're gonna be , forced to also tell them why there's an , initial upfront investment and that , think will Beau an easier way to sell , because SEO does take time and the time , that you put in upfront that the thought , process thief you if you accessed list , down all the things that you need to do , up front and share with them that okay I , need to do I need to do a keyword , research Indeed to go through your , entire site come up with a good plan for , your site architecture think when you , talk through all of them in layman's , language and make them think and make , them realize that there is a lot of time , and effort that goes upfront and that , justifies the upfront cost it makes more , sense for you because you're , incentives also close the deal and , you're not unhappy like I used to be in , the past that we'vie closed deals for , nominal monthly amounts but if a client , did not go through on the full months , contract we would end up maybe losing , some money because we actually Putin a , lot more time initially so I think if , you price my idea of at least pricing , Should be that you should have an , initial upfront investment and then , subsequently break down into monthly , monthly retainer which could be any , amount that you choose depending on the , level of service that you offer so yeah , so that's just my thought and Think , SEO can be better sold and you're forced , to justify the investment upfront , because you're gonna have to communicate , what you're doing why you're doing it , and it actually even makes you , incentives enough to actually spend a , lot more time upfront because if SEO is , well planned well thought out well , strategies you're gonna do a much better , job and if you get that much more money , it's going to drive you to perform , better so yeah so that's my thought , process of how you should price SEO , proposals initially upfront investment , and then subsequent monthly pricing , that's something you should consider for , your future client deals'd also love , to hear from , you guys out there how do you price SEO , services , leave your comments out here I'd lo veto , know what works for you what Hans't , worked for you because this is something , that many people get wrong , so I'd lo veto know from your experience , what's worked well for you and we all , can learn from each other  

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