After Watching Video ,"
Get #1 Google
Rankings "
For Highly Competitive Keywords and
Out-Rank the " Big Boy Companies "
you , hey guys Stefan here from , projectlifemastery.Como'm in Rio DE , Janitor Brazil right no wand Just did , an incredible hike and there's an , amazing view right now so I wanted to , pick up my iPhone I thought be a great , opportunity for me to shoot some videos , and answer some of the questions that , I'vie received from people on the blog so , I got a question from someone that is , built a blog and they want to know how , to get traffic to their blog or website , and so this is question I receive a , lot from people from people and I , thought I could share the five different , strategies that I get traffic to from to , my blog and my website project like , master com , now of course there are so many ways out , there that you can get traffic some of , them be being paid strategies paying for , advertising other ways just being , organic traffic you can get this totally , free and I'm going to share with you , guys the main sources for me which are , free so the first one that I'going to , share and by the way this is applicable , not just to a blog a website but to , anything you want to funnel traffic into , it could be product that you have it , could be a sales letter or sales page , whatever might be but these strategies , can work to help you up to get traffic , to it now of course having a blog or , website is going to be a little bit , easier to get traffic to it as opposed , to some other ways other strategies so , I'm going to primarily gear this towards , ab logger website now the first way the , first source of traffic did I get you , from to my blog and number one source , and what I did believe to be the best , source of traffic is from Google and the , search engines okay now Google is the , biggest search engine out there in the , world and if you can ta pinto it you can , get a lot of free organic traffic from , the search engines because when people , go to search engines like Google they're , going there to look for information , they're typing in certain keywords , certain phrases they're looking for info , and if you can optimize your content , okay the content on your blog or your , website or whatever might be and , optimize it for what people are , searching for and you can literally tap , into thousands of visitors free traffic , from Google and the search , engines okay so the key to getting , traffic from Google and the search , engines is number one having a high , quality content , okay Google and the search engines love , content content is king content is , everything in fact the more content you , have out thereon the Internet the more , likely people are to find you to the , search engines Google loves web sites , like Wikipedia CNN big web sites like , that that have millions of pages of , content and they rank very highly in the , search engines okay so having a lot of , high quality content is very important , but also making sure that your content , is relevant and optimized for whatever , people are searching for so for example , in my case people can find me by , searching in the keywords morning ritual , okay so someone was looking for a , morning ritual they type that into , Google they're going to Fonda blog post , and a video that have on my morning , ritual if someone type sin how to make , passive income online they're also going , to find a blog post in a video that I , have in Google based on how to make , passive income online now the reason why , people find them is because Google has , identified that my content is relevant , to what people are looking for and I'vie , done that in a few ways have optimized , the title of my blog posts of my content , for the keyword how to make passive , income online , same thing with morning ritual my blog , posts for that's called my morning , ritual so Google looks at the title the , description and the meta tags meta , keywords for whatever content that , you're putting out there okay so that's , a really important piece is optimizing , whatever content you have out therefor , what people are searching for and , looking for okay , now there's a lot that goes into SEO , search engine optimization and I'm not , going to spend this whole video going , into that it's worth learning about but , the other factor as well is not just the , Onion-page on-site optimization for your , content but is also the off site the off , page optimization so for example having , backlinksbasically links fro mother , website websites other sources that , point back to your blog or website will , help , Google rank your content lot higher , than your competition also the authority , of your blog or website is really , important as well prank basically , the more authoritative that Google , perceives your website our blog the , higher it's going to rank your content , better than the competition , so there's a lot again that goes into , SEO but those are the main things the , simplest way that could put it is just , make sure you have lot of high quality , content it's optimized the best way , possible and you build it to be an , authority by getting balkiest it and , just building it up with high quality , stuff because if you naturally build up , a high quality blog or website then it , will become more and more of an , authority in the eyes of Google which is , going to help you rank it better and get , a lot of traffic from Google okay that's , the number one way the number two way , that I would say and this is the , probably the most powerful way that I , get traffic more powerful than Google is , using YouTube now YouTube is also a , search engine similar to Google it's , actually owned by Google but people go , to YouTube for videos and the reason why , I say that YouTube is more powerful than , Google is because the source and the , quality of traffic that you get from , YouTube is unlike anything else when , people watch a video just as you guys , are right no wand watching this video , there's a deeper level of relationship , and connection and Trust that's , happening right now you're receiving a , much deeper level of value than you , would ever receive just by reading an , article there's a different level of , engagement with you guys having to watch , avid as well you could actually see , me here me you just are building a , different level of relationship with me , okay so the traffic and the people that , you get to watch your videos is going to , be a much higher quality traffic than , anything else out there so I love , YouTube for that reason and the way that , I basically get traffic from YouTube is , I put up high quality videos just like , this and I'll put it out there and , publish it and upload it on to YouTube , and I also optimize it for the best , keywords that people would be searching , for so this video I will probably call , it and optimize it for the keywords , how to get traffic to your blog or how , to get traffic to your website something , like that that lot of people would be , searching for okay now being able to , rank videos in YouTube is similar , somewhat similar to Google where you , ha veto buildup the authority of your , YouTube channel the authority of your , videos getting more likes more views , more comments contributes to your videos , ranking higher than everyone else's so , those are also really important factors , but the most important one is optimizing , the title the description as well as the , keywords for each of the videos that , you're publishing out there as well okay , and of course making sure your videos , are high quality and people want to , listen and watch you so YouTube is very , powerful in the way that Get traffic , from YouTube Tommy blog is I will put a , link in the description of my videos , hereon YouTube where you people can , click on it and it's going to send , people back to my blog or really just , direct them to wherever want them to , go so if I want people to go to a , product if I want them to go to a , certain Page want think what go Tommy , Facebook page whatever it is I will link , to that in the description in YouTube , and also mentioning it as well in your , YouTube video is also very important , okay so that's the number two way that I , get traffic to my blog the number three , way that I'll share with you is is I'm , just going to say social media , okay social media and of course social , media can mean a lot can mean Facebook , Twitter Linked'm gonna include all , of those the biggest source we live in , an age where people are sharing so much , and Facebook is just an incredible asset , all social media is incredible asset and , tool to help you get traffic to anything , that that you want but the way that I , get traffic from Facebook is again'm , putting out high quality content on my , blog on YouTube channel , and I'm going to share it as much as I , can , share it as much as Icahn so this video , I'going to share out there as much as , I Cain'm share with people on my , Facebook page my personal Facebook page , my Twitter accounts my Linked In I'm just , gonna put it out there as much as I can , and what'seagoing to happen is when I put , it out there then my friends and , followers are going to see this content , okay so they're going to see it they're , going to watch it and then , if they receive value from it or they , thin kit's beneficial then they're gonna , share it as well they're gonna share it , with their friends their Facebook page , their Facebook fans followers and , everything and the key to that to , content going viral and just having it , spiral to getting more and more traffic , and reaching more and more people is of , course having high quality content the , content has to be good it has to be , useful as to be informative it's got to , have great headline to it and if it is , that people will want to share it they , will want to share with their friends , and share with other people okay so , that'show social media could be so , powerful because you're tapping into not , only your network of people but other , people's networks as well and it can , just reach thousands and thousands of , people as a result of that bu tit all , starts with you sharing it first and , foremost and of course the more , followers that you build the more fans , that you build then the more people it's , going to reach so making sure that you , are just sharing as much as you can and , your content is good is very key that's , what happened wit ha lot of content that , I'vie had on my blog is I try to do the , best that I can to make it useful and , helpful for for people and people share , it and people uh you know they share it , on their Facebook and stuff and it just , reaches more and more people so Facebook , social media is very very powerful , the fourth way that'm going to give , you is a way that'vie been tapping into , a lot more recently which has been using , a podcast and podcasting has bee nit's a , fairly new thing lot of blogs bloggers , websites are getting into it more and , more and Just think people are , consuming information and content in , different ways now you know this YouTube , video , there's the written articles and , everything but think podcast is , another powerful way that also has a , deep level of engagement but it's a , different way to reach people than , YouTube because a lot of people they , don't want to just sit there and watch a , video they want to listen to it they , want to when they're at the gym when , they're you know around the house when , they go in for a walk they can listen to , content and you know come across content , that way now the way that podcast , works is primarily using iTunes and , iTunes is all , so similar to a search engine where , people can search for certain keywords , or look for different you know podcasts , on different topic sand so making sure , you optimize whatever podcast you put , out there and podcast is just an audio , and it's just an audio file of whatever , it is that you want to share an audio , version of content and what I'vie done , that's helped me and benefited me has , been taking these videos that I'm , recording and then turning the audio of , it into podcast and so I'Webern , building up my own podcast page and , Channel and everything just by doing , that just by recycling content already , have other videos that I have out there , because a lot of people they want to , listen to my content so that's also been , a really powerful strategy now the way , that you get traffic from your podcast , as you put it out there of course you , need to have an authority build up the , authority of your podcast um getting , feedback and and like sand stuff can , help the authority of your podcast , optimizing it for certain keywords again , is very important also getting , subscribers to your podcast but when , people listen to a podcast you'vie got to , tell them Togo to your website or , direct them somewhere and so what I'vie , done is at the beginning and the end of , my podcast I'vie I'vie added a little , audio intro and an outlook so if you , listen to one of my podcasts there'll be , a guy that will come on and I'll have an , intro just saying welcome to the project , life mastery podcast so it's basically , building my brand just by saying that , and then at the end of my pod castor you , can also interject the min the middle of , your podcast as well you can direct , people to go to project life mastery , comm or whatever the name of the website , is that you have so mentioning that in , the podcast your website is how you're , going to get people to go back and and , drive traffic to your website or , whatever it is that you want to drive , traffic to you get mention that in the , podcast but I'vie had some of my podcast , without even advertising or marketing , any of it have gotten thousands and , thousands of listens so I'vie be enable , to reach so many more people with my , podcast now just on top of YouTube , and my and Google and everything so it's , been another really powerful effective , strategy and the great thing with , podcast is it's not , as competitive as YouTube and some other , streams of traffic and everything so you , can get your content out there to a lot , of people so that is four and the fifth , thing I'm going to give you guys maybe , we'll add as ix as well but the fifth I , want to share is using Kindle Kindle , this is kind of like a way that alto of , people arena't tapping into and it's a , strategy that lot of people are just , oblivious to and it's been so beneficial , tome has been using Kind lee-books now , the strategy that I use here because I , have a Kindle course and'vie had a lot , of success with Kindle publishing that's , how come to identify with this , strategy and use it as part of my , marketing strategy because what I do is , I'll essentially publish Kindle books on , the internet and they'll be shorter , books that might be W to W pages long , and I'll sell them fairly inexpensively , $0.W to $2.and the reason why you , wan tit inexpensive is is basically to , have a low barrier entry that you can , get a lot of people to download or buy , so what I'll do is it lets say I publish , a book out there on the say my morning , ritual okay because that's a blog post , that I have that'popular it's a video , that have this popular so let's say I , created a Kindle book or on my morning , ritual and I just put it out there for , $0.W it's twenty to thirty page book , and with that book I'gonna get , hundreds or thousands hundreds of sales , per month fr omit if market it the , right way but thousands of downloads by , taking advantage of the free promotion , that can Kindle anticked is what is , called Kindle direct publishing what , they provide so they allow me to do a , free promotion for my books every W , days which will get me thousands of , downloads and in my book because I'm , getting alto of people to download it , and go through it I'm able to link back , to my website I'm able to link to , different blog posts that I might have , different products that I might sell , link them to my newsletter and when you , people download Kindle books or they , read a book the quality from that is , also very high quality as well because , they're reading and they're consuming , that they'rebuilding a deeper , relationship to you by reading an actual , book so they're actually sitting down , without , distraction sand they're consuming , information and building relationship , a trust and receiving a value from you , so when they do go to your website and , subscribe to your newsletter or go to a , website to buy your product it'seagoing , to convert so much higher because , they'vie already established that , relationship of actually reading your , book knowing your story or receiving , high quality content or value from you , so I love Kindle for that reason it just , provides really high quality leads high , quality traffic to any blog website and , you can create let's say you're selling , like a let's say like skin cream or , something like that on how to look , younger , whatever let's say that'sour product , you want to drive traffic to it well you , can create a Kindle book on anti-aging , or how to have beautiful skin and then , you can link from that Kindle book to , that product you see them saying so I , find this useful because publish a lot , of self-help books my blog my YouTube , channel is really heavily related to , self-help so I'll use my books to funnel , into my blog and build my blog get , traffic that way um you know my Kindle , course can't Kindle money mastery , published books on Kindle publishing and , Link Tommy Kindle course and it's a , way that get money and make Id rive , traffic and make money from my course so , Kindle also is a very powerful strategy , uh and I'vie got a course that goes into , that called Kindle money mastery go to K , money mastery com and I'm gonna give you , one more strategy as well and this is , just something just kind of popped up , for me right now it's been uh and not , everyone can maybe do this but has been , doing interviews with other people so I , get interviewed on different podcasts , YouTube channel seven for different , people's blog sand just by getting , yourself out there is another really , powerful way to get traffic to that is , free because you are tapping into and , leveraging other people's followers and , list sand if you can't get interviewed , they may be doing guest posting also is , a great way as well so finding blogs , that are relevant in to your niche or , your topic approaching them and sending , them hey listen I would love to provide , an incredible article for your blog and , I'll make it really high quality it will , benefit , your readers your followers and , basically in exchange I just love to , have a link that just links back to my , website and a lot of people alto of , blogs if they accept them will allow you , to do that because you're providing high , quality content for them so I found that , guest posting being interviewed is just , another bonus strategy that can help you , get traffic to any blog website or , product that you have out there okay so , those are five now six ways of how you , can get traffic to your blog or your , website you know some of them might , require you learning a lot more about , them but in the most effective ways for , me to build project like master calm , and I think you can work for any , business that you have out there any , website that you have if you apply it so , thank you guys for watching this video , I'vie got more coming soon while I'm up , here on this beautiful hike it's amazing , view and'll make to make sure to share , some work with you guy shave a great day , you