How to Increase Your Organic Traffic with Google Search Console (Quick Win)


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so today I'm going to talk about how you , can get a very quick and easy win to , increase your organic traffic so what , we're going to do right now is we're , going to hop into Google search console , and if you don't have Google search , console all you need to do Google Google , search console and download it and then , you can basically install it on your , website it's completely free and it's , going to show us EO metrics on your , website so what we're trying to do right , no wand this video is basically to look , for posts that are underpayment , are already generating impressions in , the search result pages so that means , Google is giving you credit it's showing , your page but you're not getting clicks , you're not doing your end you're not , fulfilling your end of the bargain in , terms of driving people to your website , you're not making the title enticing , enough you're not making the description , enticing enough to come to your site so , what we're going to do right now is , looking at Google search console over , here we're going to go ahead and click , on the psychoanalytic link over here , inside of the dashboard so this is one , of my sites right here and once you , click on that you can see okay this is , going to show you how things are going , on your websites , you're showing your queries the number , of clicks you're getting per keyword , that's nice but that's not what we're , trying to get to right now so what we're , going to do is let'sago ahead and tick , these check mark sup here so you have , clicks impression sand click-through , rate and then from there you can see now , okay now you can see the total clicks , you're getting the total impressions and , your average click-through rate for me , right now is 4% in a search engine in , the search engine pages so right now , what I want to do is I want to look at , the pages the queries are nice but , want to look at the pages so I'going , to go ahead and click on the pages right , here and then when I look at the pages I , can see okay what's performing well what , is it okay this page creating a , successful sales team has a ten point , five four percent click-through rate , which is fantastic so anything above I , think one percent or so I think you're , doing okay so we're looking for the ones , that are severely under performing so , what you need to do here is switch it , from clicks and filter by impressions , and said from top to bottom and now , we're going to look at the post energy , the the most impression sand we're going , to scroll down and you can see okay we , got five percent here ten percent here , four point eight seven percent five , point nine one percent this one right , here we got 0.W%this is our post on , blinkering dean build traffic SEO , basically it's a Brian dean post sand , he's good at SEO by the way you should , check out his blog buckling so this one , right here we gotta take a look at and , question is like why is this one under , performance so let's go ahead and click , on it and let's see what the heck is , going on for this specific page so right , her ewe can see the title it says GE M's , hold on there's APO up coming and this , is how back link Sabrina dean built , his traffic to ninety thousand visits , per month so the question is you , question to you right now is how would , you go about improving this title think , about it fora second what looks , unworldly this title right NOW'm , going to go ahead and highlight it right , it's this part right here the Sixty , one we don't even see that crap like , most people don't know what that means , that might make people think it's like , like a scam or something like that when , you see that in the title so that's what , you might want to change initially so , you might say okay well let's just , change it to how back link goes Brian , dean built his traffic to ninety , thousand visits per month so let's just , change it to that and then you know you , might make an experiment spreadsheet , saying okay on this date we tried , changing title for this post , the original click-through rate was , 0.W% when we first started the , hypothesis is that after a thirty day , period of time when we change the title , hopefully the click-through rate , increases by twenty-five percent right , and then you come back to it thirty days , later you look at your Google search , console and you can see in fact the , click-through rate has in fact increase , you have to have a methodical approach , to this you can'just say I'm going to , change a bunch of titles and not know , what happens afterwards okay so from , here you can you can look at that but , you also want to look at the Meta , Description as well so right here I'm , just going to click view page source and , let's go ahead and click on description , okay descriptions right here actually , some meta name description'learn how , Bryan Dean from buckling use effective , Soto catapult Lee's organic traffic , that's not a bad metadata Meta , Description let's go ahead and leave , that we just want to change the title so , by doing this hopefully you come back to , it next month let's say you're able to , increase by percent then you're at , 1.percent click-through rate well , guess what your traffic for that one has , doubled to W okay or double to W , clicks and you're gonna get you know an , extra clicks per month okay , let's just say you know hypothetically , you have to pay ten dollars per click , well you know that's that you're once , you start to do this you're going to , start to stack on the free traffic that , you're getting that you would originally , then you would originally pay for so , instead of you know paying you know , whatever let's just say it's a dollar , per click right well basically you're , getting fifty dollars in free ads but , each month which can add up to six , hundred dollars per year you know you do , the math from there look at that look at , the money pages for you the putting good , that the pages that really matter the , ones that are really driving email , signposted try to optimize those and , you look at this one right here David , Ellen from getting things done well look , at this one it's 0.W% click-through , rate and we're getting W clicks on , 3,W impressions that that's one to , improve we have one on YouTube AD's,W , impression's click's.W% this one , right here point zero nine percent so , there's a lotto improve on what I would , also recommend as well is exporting this , and then color coding anything that is , below a 1% click-through rate that way , you can go in there and make changes I , mean you can even hand off this process , to somebody else after you figured out , how to do it initially but first few , rounds do it yourself make sure you have , the process button down then do a , scroungiest what I'modding right now , and then you can send this to your team , and then just continue to do this over , time right maybe each and every month , you're running these experiments you , should be having an experiment , spreadsheet not just for SEO but for , overall conversion rate testing so you , know at a certain level then this is for , another conversation when you have , enough organic traffics and , conversion rate optimization start to , kind of meld together so just keep that , in mind down the road so that's enough , for for this video and make sure to join , us in the next video .

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