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we are so pleased to announce our new , product and we are anxious to show you , all its new features today so keep , watching I know in this video want to , give you an in-depth overview of the , easy info graphics wizard software and , briefly show you around the members area , so when you log in and you come into the , software area you will be faced with a , page like this which is where the , software actually knows of within your , browser so the great thing about it is , there's nothing to download there's , nothing to install it's not going to use , opening space in your hard drive you , simply log in in the next couple of , minute sand this is what you'll see in , the members area very easy to navigate , user interface you'vie got unlimited undo , and redo history you can upload your own , graphics into the app you can change the , color of all the different layers and , different images you can send layers , backwards and forwards duplicate layers , delete you can put a grid on the canvas , area you can download your finished , info graphics and you can also save , project files and reload them if you , want to edit them Ina later date this , is a pretty in-depth and canvas area , free to use and over here on the left , hand side are all the other graphics , shapes and the oil and pour important , ready to go pretty many templates so if , Quickly just click through these , I can give you a very very quick look at , each of these templates these are also , outlines you can see them below the , sales page so at the end of this video , feel free to look around and you can see , them an example graphics , now everything you see on this page is , fully customize so all the text can , be changed click and layer highlighted , [Music] , okay , [Music] , [Music] , very easy to create any sort of an info , graph you may need for your own website , or perhaps for any of your clients so , you can actually sell this as a service , offering business owners or as a , freelancer on sites lawgiver and , , let's quickly just click through all , these graphics as I said very very long , in depth and detail each one , everything you see on the screen is a , separate image separate layer everything , can be picked up change the color of , really it really is an awesome piece of , software , something really that every blog every , website or even any cellular can get a , lot of value from here's this graphic , all the images when you export you , download the mare high quality very very , nice large files and you can resize them , and make them smaller if you wish , because they are very very hung , resolution and awesome looking I'll use , these all the time on my own sites and , they really really are very very easy to , come inhere edit them and have a , professional-looking , info graphic in a couple of minutes , simply copy and paste in your basically , your stats you change this here if you , want very very easy and you're ready to , go , now as we said there's alto of , different areas that decide besides , these ten already many templates you can , add different shapes these are fully , customize you can change the color of , these by coming here , [Music] , and they're great for building old , background layers okay you can send all , of these backwards if you want , [Music] , and it's gone because it's gone , backwards if you want to pick four , verses click forward it's in the , backwards kick backwards the the app , itself comes with many many hundreds are , in their graphic sand I'm just going to , show you few of them in this demo , video because otherwise we will be here , all day so here are examples of all the , different ribbons simply click and in , order to be happy , [Music] , each of these is different section in , themselves so if we click on pie charts , you'd see these different graphical pie , charts that you can use just like that , [Music] , really unit you can upload your own , graphics into the app if you so wish and , works perfectly but there are so many , [Music] , different graphics you may never have , the need to actually do so because , there'just so many in the app itself , so let's have a look at one more , [Music] , everything can be resized everything can , be toggled change the aspect of just , like that you can also change the , borders so just like that , [Music] , blue let's see it he remake it green is , it changing knowledge and background , shapes if you want background textures , go behind different colors and get , selected here and you can also add text , but coming here you can justify however , you want you'vie all your different fonts , in here and you could select the , headline area like that you can select a , smaller one like that and it loads the , default in here so if we go back tithe , template area maybe choose this one , say for example if I wanted a new , headline it simply let that load and , then come inhere text , [Music] , and have a new headline section just , like that place it in he retype in , whatever text you want and change the , color and you were done okay unless I , said you can save all your project files , and reopen them at alter date you can , download the actual graphic itself you , can duplicate layers and layers , backwards and forwards change colors , upload you can do anything with this app , and maybe if I just show you an example , one actually looks like when you , download one so let's just click , download , save , [Music] , and here we have , [Music] , this is phonographic of just , downloaded now obviously this is very , very small because'm confined by this , video but you'd see it all it's actually , a lot longer than this let's move down , here zoom in a little bit , it's it'Avery very high-quality image , that has just downloaded and rendered , from the app you can see how quickly you , will be to create these and put them on , your website or give them to your own , offline clients let'Sgt back in here , now obviously the members area very very , easy to navigate , so once inside you can access the , software here tutorial video hero , resources if you need support on , anything feel free to contact our team , on the support desk by clicking here and , that's pretty mu chit there's a lot more , to the site but you can have look , around when you get inside and it's very , very easy to do so simply click below , this video scroll downwards you can get , full information about easy info graphics , wizard see example graphics get full , detail sand all the different features , and then click the Add to Cart button to , get in at the lowest possible price , today , I really hope you found this video , useful thanks alto for watching