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Get #1 Google
Rankings "
For Highly Competitive Keywords and
Out-Rank the " Big Boy Companies "
search engine optimization for wedding , photographers is really quite easy to , understand and implement in your , business and will have huge impact and , letting more clients find your , photography business'm Jamie from , Jamie's Elaine Watson comm and let's get , into basic search engine optimization , for wedding photographers right now so , the first step to getting started with , search engine optimization on your blog , is installing the Yeast SEO plugin so , I'm using a wordpress blog which , highly recommend for the functionality , and availability of all of their plugins , so if you don'see this on the , recommended page when you go to your , Word Press setting sand our plugins we're , just gonna search and keyword here Yeast , Southern you're gonna hit install NOW , already have it so that's why mine says , active so you're gonna hit install now , once that'Stone when you go to one of , your blog posts you'll see it underneath , your main blog post content so at the , end of your blog post content you'll see , the Yeast Splurge-in right here so this , is are ally handy plugin that allows you , to set the focus keyword right here it , also helps you to edit the snippet , that'll be shown on Google when somebody , searches so this is how it will appear , in google you can edit that there and , then they'll also tell you an analysis , of how your SEO is doing so any problems , they found improvements you can make and , good result sand then the plug-in will , give you either a red light yellow light , or a green light for good okay or bad so , you can see this specific blog posts , I worked on it yet says Spooky so the , second step to achieving a good SEO , rating for your blog is to create titles , but your ideal client is searching for , so for this wedding and that took place , of this specific venue you can see that , I'vie named it with the venues name , followed by wedding this is a huge , improvement versus naming the blog post , Sarah and Brandon wedding because nobody , is googling for Sarah and Brandon's , wedding instead I want to attract brides , who are searching in Google the name of , the venue followed by wedding assuredly , because they're getting married there , and want to see example , so let's try this out'vie opened up a , new Chrome window in incognito mode and , what this means is that it's not taking , into account any of my past history or , personal preference sit's not , personalizing my Google results at all , it's all exactly as another client or , another person would see so I'vie , searched Robert Ashley alumni wedding , because that's the title of the post and , you can see here , 4:W my post comes up number 7 based on , that search result so this is an amazing , way for me to market to Brides who are , getting married at this venue and , actually number is also me , from a wedding two years ago so after , you have your search friendly title , you're gonna want to make sure that you , have the same title right here in the , perma link because this also will help , Google know that this is relevant , information so not only is the title , there it's also here so another great , title could be Could add photos to , the end of this because that maybe an , exact search term that somebody would be , using either one but you definitely , don't want just the venue name you want , to add wedding if not wedding photos SEO , tip number three is to name all of your , image sin the specific blog post with , the search term as well so all of these , images that I'vie put into this blog post , that you can see here they're not called , Sara and Brandon JPEG instead they're , listed as Robert Lee Alumni Center , wedding photos , zero-one JPEG so you can see here if you , look into the HTML you can see all of , these different image tags here these , are how I'vie named them it's quite easy , to rename using a program like photo , mechanic or Lightened you can rename , these really quickly and I have them all , name sunder the venue name or the search , term the reason we name our images with , the specific venues name is it provides , another opportunity for Google to show , off our photos to a client who maybe , searching for this specific venue , instead of typing into the ranking of , Google search results tested this out , by clicking images and under images I'm , going to search through these are all , images that Google has deemed relevant , to the search term now I don't see well , this is actually my image right here you , can see Jamie delaying blog written , there so , third image is one of mine and as we go , down'll see a few more of mine here , this is also one of mine it's even , pulled in other weddings that arena't at , this menu because it's been from my blog , that had this wedding on it here we , start to see Sarah and Brennan's the , blog post I was showing you so these are , popping up here this is also one of , their sand so now this is only gonna , increase in weeks to come this is a , pretty new blog post maybe a bride would , be searching for wedding photos on , Google Images she'd click this and then , she'd want to go see where this post is , and then next thing we know she arrives , on my blog post here and hopefully , contacts me to book her wedding SEO tip , number four is to include the name of , the keyword you're focusing on , throughout the blog post so it's not , enough to just have it in the title and , in hyperlink an din images we can go , one step further and include links , throughout so you can see that'vie done , that here by saying I love the chance to , photograph wedding sat Robert H Lee , Alumni Center while linking to the venue , site I'vie also listed it here under , ceremony and reception venue there you , always want to make sure that this flows , naturally you definitely don't want to , just copy and paste that link a million , times that kind of used to be the old , SEO rules ten years ago what you're , gonna want to do is try to fit this in , naturally with what you're saying so I , could have probably done even a better , job at this good example would be I , could go down to where there's a , reception image like here for example , this is the ceremony and I could say , something like I love photographing in , this beautiful space at the Robert H Lee , Alumni Center and then I could link to , that as Welland that would be another , way of introducing my keyword into the , blog post SEO tip number five is you , want to include quality links throughout , your post so a really easy way to do , this when we are wedding photographers , is to link to all of the vendors , involved in the day so I'vie gone through , here and I have every single vendor and , a link to their website this is showing , Google that my website is quality and , it's also focused on directing traffic , to other quality websites and so I'vie , linked all of these here these are , called outbound links you'll also want , some inbound links which means bouncing , people around two other blog posts you , have that they might may find relevant , so something and I maybe should have , done with this post is I could say PS if , you want to see another wedding , photographed at the UBC Alumni Center , that's another name for it , you can visit Jamie and Jason's wedding , blog post right here and then would , link this to another wedding that I did , at the Alumni Center and that provides , another quality link to Google to show , that my website is worth indexing and , bumping up in the search results the , sixth and final SEO tip is going to be , using alt tag sin your images , essentially alt tags are something that , describe the image to Google because , Google dozen'TKO what they're , actually looking at it's relying on all , of this data we put in our blog post and , in our images to provide quality search , results for people who are searching so , in Word Press if you click the end but an , edit button hereon the image you'll see , the alt text under alternate text , written here so I'm gonna write Robert H , Lee Alumni Center wedding photos this is , telling Google that this is what this , image is about so when I click update , what this means is that when go to , this image here and say you have a , connect Pinterest button can click , Save and my alt text will automatically , be imported here so anytime this image , is shared you'll have that image of the , text rather embedded in the image , through the alt text so of course adding , alt text to W images one by one by , using this edit tool would take a long , long time so instead what I do is I used , they I use the HTML version of this post , so if you're new to HTML we're gonna , click over here to text and then I'm , gonna copy all of this text by going , command Canad I'm gonna open up my text , edit editor once I have my text edit , editor open , I'm gonna go format make plain text so , there's no formatting and then we're , going to paste this so this looks like a , confusing amount of code but what we're , gonna look for here is alt equals two , quotes so we're going to use the find , and replace and we're going to have alt , two quotes go here so this is what we're , finding and then what we want to replace , it with so what we want to replace it , with is your keyword search term so , anytime you see this in the document , it'gonna replace it with that so we're , gonna replace all and then we're gonna , copy this text again and drop it back , into the text editor you can cover , everything there then you're gonna want , to make sure that nothing else changed , in your post which it did't and then , you're gonna hit update and that's a , really quick way to update all of your , alt tags I hope you enjoyed this video , if you want more tips on how to find , your ideal client and how to bring more , work into your photography business , you're gonna want a head to Jaime's , Elaine Watson comm slash W idea's-0 , ideas and there's over ideas for how , to market your photography business and , bring more clients to your awesome work , so if you like this video please give it , a thumbs up subscribe and comment below , and would love to hear from you in the , comments and interact with you there , thank you so much for watching