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hi Gascony from the hustle clean , comm here i am a small blogger a small , businesses owner which does include , shop on exclaim and I am also a , self-proclaimed hustler as an Betsy , seller like many others are part of a , few fantasists communities um and , it's here that I'vie learned that there , are actually a large amount of sellers , who are having problems with getting , their businesses off the ground and , generating some traffic I did my last , blog about five tips that helped me for , my small business and startup sand it , actually goat lot of positive feedback , so I wanted to come back and do another , I wanted to share five tips that I had , that have learned and continually try , to work at to master that have helped my , Betsy shop progress and grow immensely , the first thing I wanted to talk about , is one of the more easier steps to take , when trying to upgrade your business and , that is product pictures little , project want you to do the next time , you're on Essayers type in either a , phrase or keyword that you use to , describe your product and want you to , see what comes up you can learn a lot , from studying what other shops are doing , for their product pictures and they can , even give you ideas on how to better , shoot your own product sand antsy I'vie , discovered that they're kind of two , trends for product pictures there's one , which is just minimalism it's clean , backgrounds usually white with your , products being the main focus of the , picture the second is more complex its , product pictures being shown in the , environments in which they may ideally , be used or son shop seven take these , product pictures with other products , that look aesthetically pleasing with , that what maybe more beneficial for , your shop right now as you're trying to , figure out what works best for you is to , pursue the first minimalist category and , master the clean focused look for your , products you , the less busy the betters lot of the , time dim lighting clashing backgrounds , can turn customers off from I'm sorry , your product pictures immediately just , browsing through and some can even get , confused as to what it is you're , actually selling I know for my own , jewelry it is so hard to get just a , decent looking picture well-lit focused , and I do use just downloaded for my , computer a free download Caledonia's , it basically helps me with the fill , light for my products and lets me , sharpen up a little bit here and there , to capture details my camera really , could'Ti know there are a lot of , sellers who swear picnicker and , Bonanza to get rid of background noise , to kind of crop their pictures just make , them overall more cohesive the next , point wanted to talk about is Little , bit more harsh than anything else I'm , going to talk about in this blog but , it's so important and it really helped , me kind of buckle down and figure out , what I was doing for my shop when I was , first starting you need to sit down and , you need to ask yourself is there need , for my product I talked to my previous , walkabout determining and finding your , market and keeping that point in mind , when doing this is absolutely crucial I , can determine your shops , I'm sorry demographic and narrow it down , to a starting point for increasing your , traffic when you'vie kind of determined , your market and where your views are , coming from one thing you need to ask , yourself is aim contributing something , unique to my market and if so the second , question you need to ask is is it too , specific the straddling of this line can , mean the difference between reaching , many and reaching absolutely none you , should be able to achieve uniqueness in , your current market by offering things , that none of your competitors are , offering but at the same time can'tube , so unique that there's no market or any , demand for your products , being objective when looking at your , items and your shop is key here as well , as doing your research spend sometime , antsy take a look at other shops that , are offering things you are one of the , hardest parts in doing this for me was , looking at the products I already had , and wanted to offer doing my research on , Essayed even elsewhere and just finally , determining that I simply wan't , offering things that people Warren'Ti , wan't contributing anything new and I , was wasting my time on products that , were keeping me back when I could have , been spending that energy on new ideas , and new products that probably would get , my shop noticed and generating a little , bit more traffic my best advice for this , tip first of all like Is aid please do , your research don't go into this , decision blind do not be harsh on , yourself and above all follow your gut , do what you feel you need to for your , business because you know it better than , anyone else and ultimately you need to , be happy with the decisions that you , make and my third point is something , that you need to make your best friend , an absolute life partner as an Betsy , seller and that is SEO search engine , optimization sounds like a really scary , and daunting phrase bu tit is really not , that bad and I promise you that adopting , it into your business and your marketing , plans can mean so much for it in terms , of increasing traffic and becoming , noticed antsy um if you're unfamiliar , with Sepoy need to become familiar , with zoo like today um Google I googled , it yesterday at just the simple phrase , Betsy and SEO and see what comes up it'll , give you a little bit more to the , logistics side of it how it technically , actually work sand kind of what it's all , about one of the things I love about , Betsy as a seller is that in a way it , makes SEO fairly easy for us in three , ways we may not , have noticed you can utilize your SEO in , your title your description and your , tags the key to all of these important , facets of listing our products is to be , completely unique as possible but still , accurately describing your product for , example when I started out I had a , necklace in my shop that I just simply , titled choker necklace yeah it's a , perfect description of what my product , actually was but do you know how many , other products are listed under Betsy , with this description discus a , quick search it is actually ten thousand , products that are listed under that put , that in perspective really quickly mine , one versus ten thousand probably don't , have really good chances of getting , noticed if that's the only keyword'm , using this is where you kind of have , to get creative you'vie got to be unique , but also accurate this can expand your , reach increase your traffic changed my , title and used up all of the spacers , allows you for your title urge you , please there is a reason that they give , you all that space use it all uh do , different titles different tags in the , same title for me when I changed my , title of my product I changed Otto boo , swan face choker necklace , boo Sun choker etc when I did that and , searched the results for the title and , tag just boo Sun choker actually came , up with W products so versus W , SEO is my best friend uh it can really , help you in every single facet of your , listing sometimes Even try to sneak , keywords into the description of my , items please feel free to do that , without wingspan if it works , naturally that is absolutely great this , can help your shop stand out and , help your products be seen increase your , traffic and broaden your market a little , bit my fourth point is something I , mentioned in my previous blog as well , and one of the points that'absolutely , essential for everyone selling online , which is branching out you will not see , traffic to your shop if you're not , actively finding ways for your products , to show up on other people's feed sit , really is that simple , the majority of the time this means , building your presence on social media , networks which includes Facebook Twitter , InstagramPinterest basically anywhere , that encourages the sharing of products , and pictures another form of branching , out that seems to go unnoticed um with , Betsy sellers a lot of the time but has , vast potential is blogging your products , I know for myself just blogging , regularly about my own endeavors like , I'm doing now my own experience as a , seller and even featuring other item son , Betsy that I love drives a substantial , amount of traffic to my shop there are , plenty of other Betsy sellers I know who , swear by this and have seen great , success in taking this route vert Iceman , for their brand and the problem with , blogging however is that there are some , of us who just don't have knack for , writing for these people W%suggest , seeking out other bloggers whether , they're people you know people you know , of locally or are actually known for , advertising other people's products and , small businesses on their blog this is a , fantastic route for those who don't , write themselves and still want their , products being featured places where , there's lots of organic and fresh , traffic coming from places you haven't , been able to reach before which is , basically the main key of branching out , for your store to gain traffic it's , important to constantly be trying new , things and new social media sites new , venues for advertising and ultimately , getting out of your comfort zone to get , your shop where you know it can be and , the fifth and final point I want to talk , about is more important than any of the , above points that , I can make for your shop combined and , that is consistency you can legitimately , have the worst business tactics in the , world for getting your brand out there , but if you are consistent with it you're , going to see results any of what you do , to get your shop notice dozen'really , matter if you're not going to keep up , with it and be dedicated to doing is you , are consistent with the upkeep of your , item sand your shop consistent with your , shipping times to ensure customer , satisfaction following up with customers , that there's a problem and you're , dedicated to growing your business and , sharing wit has many people as possible , what's adding being consistent with your , outreach and your pursuit for growth to , the list of these things it's absolutely , key for making sure the goals for your , shop become reality being consistent in , your pursuit of progress in your , communication and above all in your , determination to make your shop succeed , because if you don't there are thousand , other Betsy sellers who are willing to do , it and reap the rewards of it you can do , this for your shop and for your passions , and I hope you do thank you so much for , sticking with me guys please let me know , if any of these tips have worked for you , if there's something I missed um please , subscribe if you'd love to see more I , have a lot more coming and checkout my , blog at the hustle clean com for other , content that you can help that can , actually help you in further research , for expanding your shop I will see you , later guys thank you so much