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Get #1 Google
Rankings "
For Highly Competitive Keywords and
Out-Rank the " Big Boy Companies "
Have you ever bought something from Amazon and then as soon as you get them , buying it they're sending you suggestions for other products that , you're probably going to want to buy as well if that's the case you'vie been , targeted by artificial intelligence and in today's video we're going to talk , about how artificial intelligence is actually going to change the game for , search engine marketing for social for everything with regards to digital , marketing in W so stay tuned for another episode of digital marketing , news today , and welcome back everybody my name is Jordan Ste en also known as Cereal , Entrepreneur and at this channel we talk all about starting a marketing agency , building a personal brand or just building a business online so if you're , interested in any of those topics make sure to hit that subscribe button in the , bottom right hand corner and hit the notification bell as well so that way , you get all of our updates - free training free information that we give , away free courses we give away all of the cool stuff we do here at my channel , now artificial intelligence is something that is really cool and it's because of , the fact that it takes things like your actions things you're searching for , already and it starts to build an information database of all of those , things that all of the people out there in the world are doing and it starts to , predict your next your next action or the next thing that you're going to want , to do and so what it's doing is it's actually changing how SEO is done in , W and Beyond because you're not just going to be able to rely on things like , back links and keywords anymore right so let's talk about how artificial , intelligence is going to impact all of that very quickly but before we do that , make sure to stay tuned to the end of this video and I'm gonna give you a tool , that we use here to help us rank number one on Google for a bunch of different , topics that we cover at Cereal Entrepreneur now the cool thing about AI , is the fact that it is taking things that you do that all of us customers and , people viewers out on the internet do and it starts to replicate other things , that people might do that have taken similar actions before right and so how , does that work well basically Google is using AI also known as machine learning , to take things like page engagements time spent on the page basically how , relevant that pages and how user-friendly each website is and then , they use that information to determine well if someone searches for something , like this topic we should probably send it to other people that search for , things like this topic right and so that's what machine learning is doing , and people are using this not only with search engines but like I said earlier , Amazon actually uses the same technology to show new products to people who have , previously searched or viewed or even purchase another product in another , category right so there might be two similar similar things that go to get , like snowboarding masks and a beanie right I actually just went snowboarding , and I bought a mask and they showed a beanie that they recommended that a lot , of other people bought right and so they're taking those things and they , know that if someone buys a mask they might need a beanie because it's also , cold and their ears will get cold in their head will get cold right and so , that's what machine learning allows you to do in fact it can go even further , because of the fact that it can actually take your content your website and it , can look at what pages of your website what specific blog articles what videos , what specific buttons and pages on your site are performing the best and which , one actually has the most time spent the most positive engagement on the page and , then it wants to take that information and share it again with other people who , have the same interests the cool thing is by mapping different pieces of , content to specific intent you're able to actually take all of that information , and use it to cross-sell or up sell to other clients so basically what I'm , trying to say is if somebody has a specific intent meaning let's say that , someone came to Google to search for a new puppy right and then you show them a , website with all kinds of new puppies Google's going to take that information , and say okay well someone stayed on this website for five minutes after searching , for new puppies right and so other people in this exact same area that are , searching for new puppies we should probably show that website too right and , so that's what it actually does right it tells you okay now we can do this and if , say for example your website started selling dog collars right people who , actually visited your site and purchased a puppy we can actually now up sell a dog , collar too because we know that they came to our site and they visited that , you visited our site for that specific reason so quick question guys do you , feel that using artificial intelligence to help consumers is a good thing or do , you feel it's too intrusive I want to know your opinion leave it in the , comments below because this is one of the bigger arguments that people have , about things like the Facebook pixel and artificial intelligence and the Big , Brother watching you on the internet so leave a comment below what really needs , to happen as marketers have to start to understand that with SEO you have to , rely on more than just keywords you have to rely on , more than just back links or PB ends those are important but ultimately you , have to create quality rich content that people are going to want to engage with , and that addresses their search intent I'vie said this several times before but , Google's job is to provide search engine results that the user finds valuable and , actually solves the problem that they came to the search engine with and to , make sure that content is always focused on the user and that it actually is , quality content Google actually created something called rank brain , which is their algorithm that actually tells whether something is quality or , not so let's go into a few of the things that rank brain looks for the first , thing is to use keyword phrases that echo the searchers search basically what , they're searching online and how they would search it you're going to want to , use those specific types of keyword phrases in your content why because , that's how people are searching for that content so you want to make sure that , you actually have freezing in your articles or your videos that represent , or that very they're they're very similar to the style of search that , someone might perform to find that piece of content the second thing is to phrase , your keywords with Google's keyword planning tools like keyword planner , because that actually is a place you can go to find how people are phrasing those , keywords to find that specific kind of content the third thing is to take all , of those searches and then to write content that flows naturally right you , would't want it to sound weird or look weird because some of the searches that , people can put in sometimes are kind of weird they're kind of off so you're , gonna have to find a way to take those keyword phrases and make it fit , naturally into the content that you create and then the fourth thing is to , write to intrigue entice and inform and the reason why is because that's what , makes quality content so that's ultimately what rank brain is looking for , right make it something that people actually want to read don't just put , something down on a piece of paper and that's all we need to do that's , not good quality content it does take time we put probably four to five hours , into each video that we create so take the time to create quality content plan , it out produce it well and then make sure that when you actually put it out , and schedule it and post it out that tons of people get it and that you put , it out on all of your channels so it gets the most juice so what is the , future of SEO look like for W and beyond , basically the first thing is keywords are gonna become less relevant why , because it's not about the keywords it's about the intent of the user and it's , about the quality of the content the second thing is that machine learning , are essentially artificial intelligence is making it easier for things like , rank brain to use machine learning to basically , match search concepts or search queries that people are putting out there it's , not ultimately just about keywords anymore , so you have to understand that and this also comes with the increased prevalence , of voice search so if you want to learn more about voice search and if you're , ready for that luckily for you we put together a video on that so just check , out that video up in the top right hand corner there's going to be a reduced , emphasis on page signals like back links yes they are important but ultimately , over time we'vie seen them decrease and importance as a result anyways , number four is keyword stuffing it's still a practice that people are using , even though it's considered a black hat practice but it is something that's , becoming less and less important and it is something that Google is finding a , lot easier it's easier for them to track that down and recognize it as a keyword , stuffing practice so it's no longer important anymore title tags this is , number five are gonna have less importance as well again because it's , not just about the title of the article it's about the content that's actually , what drives relevance which leads me to 6 which is optimizing around the content , and not just the keywords right optimizing around what that user came , there for and providing that solution to them even if it's for free and the final , one is long tail keywords are pretty much going to become extinct and it's because , of the fact that long tail keywords are just ways that searches get more and , more intense specific where you're actually trying to put something you're , you're almost forcing the keyword phrase into the viewers mouth or the users , mouth right we want it to be more based around the user meaning that we can't , have only certain sets of long tail keywords mixed with the main keywords , set that's going to work for a specific set of keywords right that that , should't be the only thing that someone should have to type in to get the exact , search result that they're looking for and a lot of the times that's the case , but essentially guys SEO is evolving every single day and it's something that , you have to stay on top of because it is one of the , most important ways to drive new traffic to any of the content that you're , creating things like rank brain and other machine learning practices are becoming , more and more prevalent and as they do it's going to become more more important , for you to understand how those machines are working and how the algorithms work , within those machines but that's it for me thank you guys so much for watching , as I mentioned in the beginning we're gonna talk to you guys about a free tool , that you can use to help with your search engine optimization efforts it , helps you with keywords making sure that you're using the right keyword phrases , if you want that video check out this or if you want that tool rather check out , this video in the top right hand corner but that's it for me thank you guys so , much for watching if you haven't already make sure to hit the subscribe button in , the bottom right hand corner and then the notification bell so you get all of , our updates and information that we give out here on my channel but that's it for , today's update of digital marketing news today I hope you guys enjoyed today's , news segment if you did throw me a thumbs up and leave a comment below , telling me how much you loved this segment and that you would like to see , other things if you have a topic that you would like for us to cover a news , topic newsworthy topic that you would like for us to cover definitely leave it , in the comments below but I'm gonna get out of here guys until next time Cereal , Entrepreneur out bye guys ready to start living the six-figure work where ever be , your own boss lifestyle well at Cereal Entrepreneur Academy , will teach you how to use a laptop and internet to start your own social media , and digital marketing agency get started with our free Facebook Ads training , links in the description below guys see you in the course, Cereal Entrepreneur out