What is SEO? Complete Tutorial For Beginners - Learn SEO (Training For 2019) Fast!


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so today we're gonna go ahead and answer , the super high level question what is , Research engine optimization you're , brand new torso or if you'vie done a , little bit of it before in the past but , you might be missing a few pieces here , and there then this is the video for you , so stay to the end because we're going , to go through the exact step-by-step , process that you need to understand what , search engine optimization fundamentally , is I'vie been doing Sofia almost , years'm excited to take you through , the entire process , my next having group is with quick , minded calm let's get going all right so , let's dig in what is Research engine , optimization let's answer that question , today so search engine optimization is , very simply just the act of acquiring , traffic from search engines to any of , the digital assets that we own most , commonly this is your website we're , going to talk about couple of other , digital assets you can drive traffic to , as well what is SEO not right so what , are the things that don't define as SEO , is not paying for traffic it's not a , scam it's not shady or against Terms of , Service right SEO is completely , acceptable in normal white hat lots of , companies rely on and depend on it it's , not that fast a lot of people jump into , this the wrong way they expect to see , Results right away and that's , usually not the case it's not just for , Google anymore there's a number of , different platforms that you should be , doing search engine optimization on and , most importantly it'snot that hard my , favorite aspect of search engine , optimization is that once you understand , it it's really not that difficult if I'd , only have W seconds to tell you what , SEO ISO would say it's these three , things document relevancy that's all the , stuff that we do on our pages to make , them more relevant for user sin search , engines increasing Authority so that's , all the things we do have off our page , in order to let search engines know , we're trustworthy and useful to users , things like links views sales favorites , and we'll talk a little bit more about , those they're kind of dependent on the , platform and the third one is technical , optimization that's just all the behind , the scenes engineering stuff that we do , make it easier for search engines to , find us , right so within document relevancy the , easy way to think about this is that , it's the search engines job to give , users exactly what they're looking for , and then eventually monetize that , behavior right it's our job as SEO is to , understand what our customers are , searching for and then create awesome , relevant content for them right so the , search engines trying to deliver the , right answer to their user and it's our , job as SEO is to understand what the , easier is looking for and deliver that , answer for them that's the document , relevancy piece increasing Authority , very broadly this means popularity right , sou think again it depend son the , platform but if you're a regular search , engine use that usually means links or , clicks or any type of engagement if , you're avid platform like YouTube it , might be video views or length of video , view if you're an e-commerce platform , like Amazon it might be sales right , favorites or likes right might Beau , different platform like Pinter est right , so it really depend son the platform but , in general search engines have to , understand what kind of what the most , popular documents are and then show , those at the top the last piece is , technical optimization there are more , than billion websites out there this , is an incredibly comprehensive , technically difficult problem for Google , and other search engines technical , optimization is just all the stuff that , we do to make it easier for search , engines to find us search is no longer , just Google on your desktop anymore , there's a ton of different places where , search exists YouTube AmazonPinterest , this mobile search Google Place is the , app store Yelp Cora Linked In eBay local , search anything with search engines for , anything that has a search engine that , has a number of document sit has to sort , and rank those documents this is a , problem right herebyébé has this problem , Yelp has this problem Linked In and eBay , have this problem when someone types in , used VCR or get a vacation rental Miami , or coffee shop San Francisco how do all , of these web applications decide what , documents should go on the top it's , actually very similar problem that , Google has Google's obviously much more , comprehensive has many more ranking , signals it has a much more difficult , kind of task at hand , in general the problem is document , relevancy what do you show at the top , for your , users now the best way to think about , this is this every platform with a , search engine has to solve this document , relevancy problem right and so in , general to do this they'd like to ask , themselves two questions , the first is what's best for our users , and the second is what's best for our , business if your content if the thing , you are doing on that platform is the , answer to one or both of these questions , is a relevant document right so keep , that in mind when you'redoing this in , general what you want to be doing is , being helpful and useful to the end user , and also helpful and useful to that , platforms business if you do both of , these you're going to do very very well , in search engine optimization the last , piece I want to talk about here before , we move on are click-through rate sand , this is why SEO is so important if you , think back to kind of the pare-google , er aright Google was search engine W or , OR something like that in the late , there were many many other search , engines prior to Google right and the , reason why Google went out is because of , their ability to find more relevant , documents than other search engines back , in the late S's kind of precooked it , was very very common to do a search you , know not find what you were looking for , go to page two go to page three go to , page four maybe change search engines go , to page two go to page so you go to page , four and generally be very disappointed , in not finding what you were looking for , Alta Vista Hot Bot like OHS meta crawler , going a littleness talk for you here , right there's a lot of lot of search , engine to conduct and Google , fundamentally changed lot of user , behavior here so what happened was , because Google became so good at finding , the most relevant documents our behavior , as users changed wit hit this is a , click-through rate chart from advanced , web ranking we have slink down below , you can go ahead and grab this what we , found is that users stopped going to , page two in page 3 in page four but , they're broadly doing now is sifting , through the top five result sand if they , don'find what they're looking for , they're doing what's Little query , refinement which means they go back to , Google and they change their search , right they add a word they remove a word , pluralizes it whatever , is in general about% of clicks go to , the top five results what this means is , is if you're nine the top five results , you are effectively invisible users are , really only sifting through the top five , results and then they're doing another , search this is why SEO is so important , because it's not good enough to be in , the top ten it's not good enough to be , in the top twenty you need to be in the , top five and there's power-law , distribution through this the spoils go , to the victor whoever's number one is , gonna get the vast majority of clicks , right this is why it's so important in , general the rule of thumb here is in , order to win Sepoy want to rank number , one for all of your keyword sin general , this sallying't possible it is almost , impossible no matter what your business , is to rank number one for everything if , you'vie done it please email me email me , I'd lo veto take look what you're , doing this is why SEO is so important is , because percent of clicks go to the , top five results if we're not in the top , five we are effectively invisible okay , so I want to take you Tao quick search , framework before we get going the kind , of compartmentalizes a lot of these , thought sand makes it very easy to go , through this entire process so here's , the search framework we have this as a , downloadable for you if you'dike go , ahead and click that link down below in , the description to grab this on your own , so this framework is SEO framework is , applied to every step of your sales , funnel so do keep that in mind as we go , through so let'stalk at the top the , very first two persona and the funnel , right so before you kind of dig into , this if you don'thieve any familiarity , with what the sales funnel is we have a , video for you down below you can go , ahead and grab that but the basic idea , here is you want to figure out who , you're targeting and where they are in , the funnel right general sales funnel , you have people that are kind of least , interested first experiencing your , business at the top most interested , closer to the bottom and any users that , have convert edit have passed through , your funnel and they're in the retention , kind of reactivation phase of the on the , entire funnel right so before you use , this SEO framework to identify and , optimize your site you want to figure , out who your customer avatar is you know , what their want sand desires are and , where in the funnel are they so let's do , an example and let'look at a local , real estate website in order to do this , let's say we had a site , awesome New Hampshire Realty calm as a , website dedicated to selling real estate , in your church right let's identify our , persona and our funnel as well my little , sister is recently married we're gonna , go ahead and use her as an example so , we'vie Kenyans my brother-in-Lawanda , my sister they'Re's years old recently , married and they want to buy a home they , just started looking they're looking for , a place in New Hampshire so they are in , the top of the funnel we know who they , are the W they have a certain level of , income they're recently married they're , looking for a home yeah they are look at , those clowns look at those two dummies , arena't they adorable , so we'dog ahead and do our search our , keyword research and get that process , going right so you could there's a bunch , of different tools you can use here all , right we have a number of keyword sand , the monthly search volume for them and , we could actually break these down in , terms of where they are in the funnel , rights of best cities for newlyweds , that's millennial cities in W W , those might be top of the funnel queries , as they start to do some research they , might move closer to the middle in the , bottom of the funnel kind of ready to , convert right so best cities newlyweds , New Hampshire newlyweds NH cities might , be middle and then real estate agents , Portsmouth New Hampshire Realtor's New , Hampshire November Right or June , W something like that so it's kind of , an example of how different queries can , represent different phases of the funnel , so we'vie identified our persona in our , funnel right it'Johnny Liz they're W , years old they're recently married , there's a very top of the funnel or just , kind of starting their search for a home , now let's talk about the digital asset , that will help capture them right so it , did you last is just a fancy way to say , if the content that the user will , consume the vast majority of time this , could probably just going to be a post , on your site right or a page on your , site but it dozen't have to be and , that'skint of the point here is that , the digital asset that you use to , capture your users could be a bunch of , different things it could be a forum , response to give me a product review , it's social media posts avid image or , a podcast you guys a digital tool that , you create or product demo that you , could create as well in this particular , example we're just gonna do a blog post , right so it'gonna be a blog post and , it's gonna be called newly weds advice , the best cities to build love nest so , this is kind of our posts that's , designed to capture , a W-year old recently married is , looking for a home in New Hampshire next , is the medium and the channel right so , this is gonna be where the content lives , and how it will be distributed there's a , bunch of different mediums in general , and most common one will be your own , website but it dozen't ha veto be right , now we're using YouTube as a medium for , this type of content right so this is , video content optimized for what is SEO , is very bed up talking about this right , it's optimized from what is Soot's , gonna live on YouTube but it could be , other places as well Google Places Yelp , Amazon Korea Underestimate the App , Store right so that's the medium in the , channel be a bunch of different things , Soaped search email marketing content , marketing today it's gonna be SEO right , and so as a reminder search USN'just , Google right depending on your website , there are many search engines that you , could be optimizing for YouTube Amazon , Pinter est mobile search there's a bunch , of different options out there for you , for this particular example our medium , is gonna be our own site an dour channel , is gonna be Google that's what we'll do , today cool so we'vie done the persona in , the funnel we'vie done the digital asset , and the digital medium right in the , channel that we'd go ahead and optimize , for next is going to be an optimization , optimization very simply is just doing , everything you need to do to maximize , the number of users that get to that , next step in the funnel right so because , this is top of funnel because our our , primary asset is a post on our site and , because the medium and the channel will , be our own site and Google we're gonna , do all the things weened to do from a , search engine optimization perspective , right so you make sure the tit leis , there make sure the Meta Description is , there do you have the keyword in the , copy a couple times is it fast if your , keyword in a couple of images are you , using latent semantic indexing all the , things we do Fosse kind of maximize , the total number of users that get to , the next step , in the funnel finally it's the nudge , this is the most important aspect of the , framework the nudge is understanding , where the user is in the buyers journey , and then taking them to the next logical , step down the funnel right so in our , example our users at the top of the , funnel right , twenty-six-year-old looking for a home , we'vie created this post , it's an asset on our own site it's , called newlywed advice right the best , cities to build a love nest we're , optimizing for google we're suddenly , ranking we're getting all this traffic , and our nudge is the next step in the , funnel where we want them to go so when , we'vie optimize dour site we're , generating traffic and we're getting , less traffic we have not yet committed , the nudge getting the traffic is not the , nudge moving the user tithe middle of , the funnel is the nudge so if we get a , bunch of traffic and then all the , traffic bounces we actually not yet , succeeded right just getting traffic is , not enough we want to take the user to , the next logical step in this particular , case our next logical step is getting , their email so when my sister does a , search for you know best newlywed homes , New Hampshire or best places to to live , right best cities for Millennia ls , whatever it is she's not yet converted , until she enters her email address , the minute she enters her email address , she moves to the middle of the funnel , once she moves tithe middle of the , funnel we go back through the search , framework and do the whole thing over , again right so the framework is applied , to every step of the funnel this is the , framework now she'sin the middle of , funnel we would do the same thing what's , the persona in the funnel okay it's , still twenty six-year-old she's a , little bit closer to bye , what's the asset what's the medium , what's the optimization you do this for , each step of the funnel until you have , converted your user okay so that's the , high-level stuff in the search framework , and kind of everything that you do and , where you apply in each step of the , funnel now let's talk about those , pillars we talked a little bit about , earlier so the first up is document , relevancy it's a quick reminder it's a , search engine job to show users relevant , content based on what they're searching , for and it's our job as SEO s to , understand what those users are looking , for and create awesome relevant content , for them right so couple things before , we get started first a lot of people , kind of mess this up as pages verse , domains Google ranks pages not domains , right so you want to use this document , relevance and concept before we dig into , it on a page basis so hello what a lot , of people do is they mess this up they , kind of just optimize their homepage , they do a bunch of keyword research they , say okay if W keywords I want optimized , for and they hate jammy all W keywords , and their home page , that's not the way to think about it the , way to think about this is on a page , basis yes the domain you're on is , important yes you want a high quality , domain yes the total number of kind of , links and authority to your domain can , be helpful but in general all these , concepts we're about to talk about are , on a URL by URL or a page by page basis , but do keep that in mind just optimizing , your home but generally dozen'help , your deeper pages yeah ranked the other , thing to to think about is that in , general we're gonna be doing all of this , Ina one keyword one page basis so my , rule of thumb is you only want to pick , one primary keyword that you're , optimizing a URL for of course URLs can , rank for many many many different , keywords but when you're first getting , started the best way to think about this , is you take a court here that you want , to optimize for and you kind of do that , one key word for one URL it makes things , much cleaner and easier when you're just , getting started okay so a couple things , to think about when you're getting going , so keyword research is one of the most , important aspects of search engine , optimize our content in a similar , fashion rule thumb here you're gonna , want to do your keyword research figure , out your primary keywords but once you , know your primary keyword you only want , to use that exact match exactly that , keyword to a point you don'twat this , to sound too spammed so rule of , thumb here is read it out loud Google , really understands synonyms they , understand sort of all these word , relations like word relationships , different key word relationships do you , want to be writing this for humans not , from robots messed this up a lot when , I was first getting into search engine , optimization I just kind of overdo Ito , would lookup my core keyword and I , would just jam it into the copy as much , as possible and it's not the best way to , do this right so use exact match , keywords to a point , don't let it sound too smuggle , really understands synonyms just read it , out loud right if it sounds terrible , when you read it out loud , rework it until it's great another great , way to do this is have a friend read it , out loud so open it up open up your site , on your phone you handed your friends , they'vie read it out loud if you're both , cringing it sounds gross , you're doing it wrong right so do keep , that in mind let's look at an example , right so let's say we were optimizing an , e-commerce , a shoe store we wanted to rank number , one for the term discount Nike shoes at , search fora four thousand four and it , has a month two different synonyms right , that might be kind of thematically , related tonight the shoes might be , sneakers running shoes or footwear you , can use Theodora stock thesaurus calm , or a number of other resources to find , synonyms just googling whatever keyword , is synonym it's a great way to do that , as well the rule of thumb here's like , Google's understanding lot of these , Senate and relationships getting some , synonyms into your copy is a fantastic , thing to do it's kind of one additional , piece of the whole optimization equation , on top of this kind of synonyms+ or , synonyms advanced is this concept of , latent semantic indexing and this is , very very important in kind of the post , Google hummingbird world which is a , Google update it's very very important , nowadays Solis or latent semantic , indexing it's just fancy way to say , related keywords but what's important , here is how Google and other search , engines are doing this so if you think , about the entire web and all of the , different relationships that are , happening on the web you want a lot of , those kind of relationships that are , naturally happening out in the wild to , be also happening on your site so , example this is as if I was trying to , optimize a page for the term Empire , State the rank number one for the term , Empire State Building some synonyms for , Empire State Building might be building , Tower sky scream right that's great go , ahead and get those in there that's fine , but latent semantic indexing keywords , are things that are constantly showing , up on documents that mention the Empire , State Building but they might not be , synonyms right so of every website , that's out there that mentions Empire , State Building House maybe Google finds , a pattern it turns out many of them are , also mentioning New York City give this , book of world records sightseeing right , these are things that are kind of , thematically related even though they're , not synonyms this is very very important , in terms of the document relevancy , equation now right so do keep this in , mind , my favorite resource for this is LSI , graph com all you ha veto do is input , your primary key word and it'll spit out , a ton of a latent semantic indexing , keywords for you very helpful tool , alright so next up our title tags in , your meta description so titles , are the most important aspect of search , engine optimization not only are they a , huge ranking factor they're massively , important to your click-through rate in , general you you are gonna want to keep , your title tags within the truncation , limits it's about character son , Google there's a little bit of variation , there based on the pixel length but in , general you want to keep them so that , they're not truncated in Google search , results there's couple of situations , if you're working in a large enterprise , where maybe it's worth it to you to get , more keywords in there even though , there's truncation but in general most , people you're gonna be wanting to keep , it within characters maximum limit do , keep click the rate in mind this is , massively important as well you don't , want to just stuff your title tags with , keywords they need to be attractive and , interesting and drive users to click , them keeping your keyword closer to the , front is the rule of thumb your second , general you do want to do that and it , should be unique for every page as well , make sure that your titles are not kind , of duplicated and sort of the same thing , across all your pages is often a problem , with some content management system sit , duplicated lot of their titles or a , lot of different different pages , category title scan do this as well so , do make sure all of your title tags are , unique right meta descriptions Ina , similar boat so meta descriptions should , be about characters long you usually , want to use your primary keyword in here , because it gets bleeding general meta , descriptions don'impact your rankings , but they will impact your click-through , rates and sometimes then this is what's , really annoying about this so you spend , alto of time writing your meta , description you want to be really good , you put a little kind of marketing work , into it and sometimes you know Google , reserves the right to not use it so if , Google thinks that there's a snippet of , text on your site that's better will , actually replace that so they won'Tues , your meta description they'll just take , a snippet that they'vie kind of crawled , on your site and use that so write them , make sure they're great read them out , loud make sure they're compelling and , interesting and worthy oaf click in , Google's search results but of course it , sometimes Google just won'tavern use it , what sucks you can'really do alto , about that this is an example right if , we we retrying to optimize this for the , term SEO checklist right we have here , kind of an old screenshot insanely , powerful W SEO checklist you see the , primary keyword is in the title and we , have SEO checklist in the meta , description as well in the actual code , the way this would look in the title tag , the insanely powerful SEO checklist and , in the meta name equals description we , have SEO checklist in the code as well , okay so next up is URLs so getting your , keyword in your URL is helpful but , changing your re ls can have severe , consequences so keep this in mind page , migration can be tricky when in doubt , don't do it so if you're starting new , page no yes , get your primary keyword in the URL but , if you have an old site if you're , getting a lot of traffic from SEO if , you're getting lot of kind of traffic , from all different types of place sin , general this is riskier and riskier the , larger you are right so the rule of , thumb here is like yes if you do if , you'redoing your primary keyword , research and you're starting a brand new , site from scratch yes try and get your , primary keyword in the URL if you have , an old site you just started to figure , out SEO you just said bunch of keyword , research than now you're like oh my god , none of our keywords are in our URLs the , larger you are and the more traffic , you're getting book direct and referral , traffic and SEO traffic the riskier it , is to change URLs there are things you , can do to mitigate this right you can , use three on redirect from the old URL , to the new URL but in general you often , see a small traffic loss for a little , bit of time when you do this so don't , worry about this too much I know a lot , of you get really stressed about this , and like all of my perfectly optimized , we're just not my URL but my site I's , years old and I'm getting you know W , W thousand unique visitors a month in , general the rule of thumb is don't , change your URLs right going forward , sure try and get your primary keyword in , there but this is riskier and riskier , the larger you are so do keep that in , mind finally the other rule thumb here , is that the closer to the root domain in , general the better right so website comm , slash page in general is better than , website calm slash folder slash folder , slash fuller slash page again this is , probably not were three architectonic , your entire site over but if you're , starting from scratch in general it can , be helpful some people say hey um I , actually I had you know a bunch of blog , post categories and there one sub fold , lever sub folder level deep right so , website comm slash did you , Marketing /page should i rear , attacked everything and kind of put it , one folder closer to the domain in , general Would say no this is not kind , of worth it the rule of thumb broadly is , that the closer to the root domain the , better but if I already have aside you , know system and a way of doing things I , would put this very low on my priority , list there's too many ways to mess it up , that's why it's it'skint of a small , potato sort of thing in my opinion is , the downside generally outweighs the , outside so do keep that in mind right so , we're talking about URLs here's an , example PayPal PayPal is optimizing this , page for send money online PayPal calm , such folder such fuller slash folder , slash page no in genera lit probably be , closer to the root domain would be a , little bit better but there's a lot of , very difficult problems around , enterprise stuff and office politics and , a lot of very difficult technical , decisions were made to get this URL , structure the way it was the larger the , company the harder this is in general , this URL has the primary keyword in it , so that's fine if we were closer to the , root domain it might be a little bit , better but you know what's the headache , at a large company like PayPal this , might take months quarters years to do , probably not worth it but in general , apples to apples if one's easier than , the other sure go ahead try and get it , and get it closer tithe root domain , next up are headers right so headers are , what we do to logically layout Web , page in general these are the H H's , tag sin general you want to make sure to , only have one hag there's lots of , debate about whether or not you should , put your primary keywords in your sub , sub header tag at H H HI think this , is Agana very sort of small upside , sort of thing my rule sum here is get , your primary keyword in the hag and , just move on if you can get some , synonyms or LSI keywords in your H or , H H that's fine that'since , rule of thumb here get your primary , keyword in youth tag and you should be , good to go alright so here's an example , we have swordplay's site you're kind , of posting it here of the best email , marketing campaign examples you'vie ever , seen an email marketing campaign , our primary keyword you can see in the , actual code it's wrapped in the hag , alright so next up is body copy so body , copy is just a fancy way to say the rest , of the text on your page there's no real , minimum magic number but my rule of , thumb is about hundred words a page , and using that main keyword at least two , to three times very broadly the more , text you have on the page the better off , you are but you don'twat to hurt user , experience , this is food this really depends a lot , on what your business is if you're a , very text heavy site this is easy to do , with your site that'Avery image heavy , and you don't want to have a lot of text , can be much more difficult , you you do want to get synonyms and , latent semantic keywords in there if you , can and again like the rule something we , talked about little bit earlier read , it out loud before you publish if you , follow these rules you should be fine , alright so see we're optimizing this , page for coffee shop San Francisco then , the word coffee in there a couple of , different time sand we are good to go , next up our images right so image alt , and filename so ass reminder search , engines arena't humans right so they , can't see images the way that we can we , help search engines see images by naming , them correctly and by populating what's , called the alt tag right so the alt tag , is a way to describe the search engines , and other tools what an image is this is , also used for accessibility so visually , impaired and blind users will use these , special browsers that read images to , them this is very prone to over , optimization so watch out so what alto , of people do is they get really excited , on Sand then they kind of name their , images then they'll cal lout you know , Nike shoes - buy Nike shoes online , - discount Nike shoes online for sale , JPEG don't don't do that , but then the other side of the equation , is very uh nocturne eyes right so homepage , graphic six dot Nougat's terrible , right a goo done might be read Nike , shoes JPEG right so just be , descriptive about it think about your , primary keyword think about synonyms or , a latent semantic indexing keywords get , it in there and move on , this is one more piece of the entire , equation , is another kind of thing where some , people like oh there's not really to , rename all my image sit's gonna take , months of it to do this we have to ask , for this engineering support in general , I put this pretty low on my priority , list if you can do it great it's helpful , in general but everything else we'vie , talked about prior to this would , definitely be more helpful than image , renaming and image optimization here's , an example from Zaps and so they have , a picture of a shoe on their site that's , called men'sabot shoot JPEG and the alt , tag is men's boat shoe that is fine next , up are internal links and anchor text so , links from other pages on our site are , important and the text use in those , links are important as well right so , linking to other documents on our site , and the text that we use in those links , is an important signal so click here , learn more this website are all examples , of terrible anchor text right but men's , boat shoes brown shoes black Reebok , shoes great examples of good descriptive , anchor text in general Truffle for users , and search engines to understand what a , document is if you name it properly so , do keep this in mind when you're linking , to all of your other documents finally , the location of the link is very , important here as well Googlies getting , a better understanding of what top , navigation is what the sidebar kind of , blog roll navigation is what your footer , navigation so the location of the link , is important right if Google has a , really good understanding of , neckties.com layout right they , should have Good understanding when an , editor or an author is writing piece , and they have a link in the first , paragraph that's much more valuable than , the Th blog comment linking out to a , page right so Google's getting a better , idea of kind of understanding the value , of links based on where they are in the , document rule some here is get that link , up at the top as it kind of as close to , the to pas you can where it'salsa still , useful for users make sure it's in the , actual content not on the top navigation , not in the foot or not on the sidebar , an example of this really good example , of internal linking with Wikipedia , Wikipedia does fantastic phenomenal , internal linking it's not necessarily , Fosse that's just kind of the way it , was engineered and structured every sort , of words he or every other word seems to , be linked it's just being descriptive , they have so much content sort of think , like Wikipedia when you're linking out , to all of your documents okay so next up , our link neighborhoods so you're , optimizing your page you're going , through the motions right you're kind of , getting everything you can write is your , primary keyword in the URLs and in the , header is it title do you have it , mentioned a couple of ti meson the copy , you added your primary keyword or some , LSI keywords into the copy an din your , image shave you internally linked other , pages pointing back to this page are , using the right anchor text one other , thing you do want to think about are , linked neighborhoods right so creating a , great resource for users is important , you can also signal to Google and other , search engines that you're doing that by , linking out to stuff that they already , trust this is very controversial but I , love doing this I love the linking out , to competitors sou'll look at my , primary keyword'll google Ito'll look , at the top five or top ten result sand , I'll often find reasonable ways to link , to my competitors you're signaling to , Google that you are this high quality , resource and then you want to sort of be , embedded along with this high quality , neighborhood so this lets Google know , kind of who you're associated with and I , love doing this it generally seems to , help next up is freshness and rec ency so , IN Google announced that fresh , content , we generally rank higher than stale , content what Found is a great way to , get sudden boost in traffic is going , through an updating old content that's , performed well in the past you can often , give you a nice boos tin results so six , broken links you know change dates go , ahead and clean it IPA little bit add , to it fix it up remember when you do , this don't change the URL but in general , really nice kind of you're taking over a , new site let's say you have a new client , or you started a new job you kind of , just want to reboot your entire business , going through your content sorting it by , search engine traffic starting at the , top and just refreshing everything from , there you can often sea really nice , boost in traffic okay so that's a lot of , the document relevancy stuff right all , the things that we want to do to make , sure our , documents are kind of optimized for , Google and other search engine snow I , want to briefly touch on the authority , piece link building and authority right , so my funny is going to think about this , when I first go tan SEO was because of , something I heard on the news George , Bush was running for re-election and I , heard on NPR that a bunch of kind of , activist bloggers started linking to , George Bush's white house.gov site with , the term miserable failure , got him ranking number one for the term , miserable failure in a response very , conservative bloggers started doing the , same thing to Michael Moore'website , and got him ranking number two for the , term miserable failure and I was , fascinated with it did't understand it , excited because it's interesting right , what George Bush is saying and Michael , Moore site Warren't trying to rank for , the term miserable failure but other , people were able to do that how does , that work and that's are ally , interesting way to think about link , building this is called Google bombing , Google is updated their algorithm since , it's much more difficult to do this now , but it's a very interesting way to teach , this concept of link building which is , the idea that links from other websites , are like votes from other websites and , let's let'splay this a little bit we , can use an example as a cookie recipe , site so let's say we have a cookie , recipe site right and we have two kind , of different cook concurrent examples , going on here right so we have cookies , for days calm and we have a competitor , site in general right you want Togo out , into the universe and get links from , other websites point them back to you , that's an authority signal it tells , Google and other search engines that , you're popular and in general if these , two pages are exactly the same and they , have bunch of link sand the links are , exactly the same the one with the most , links will win right quantity is the , first aspect of this so the quantity of , links is important but don'trite that , down because there's a massive caveat , here right the next is the quality or , the authority right so in general if I , have site two pages that are exactly , the same site it has a ton of links but , the links are all from garbage low , quality spam my sites right guitar picks , top bezel means that info completely , unrelated stuff right and then I have , another site it's exactly the same but , it has two , Lynx ones from Stanford.Ed and the , others from New York Times com , in general right this one with these , really high quality links is going to , move up massively but the last piece of , this that's really really import antis , relevance right so if have a ton of , Link's right maybe they're from low to , medium quality sites but they're , incredibly relevant right cookie recipes , comm and cookies that biz great cookies , net that's extremely extremely relevant , right and so that may actually be more , valuable than links from New York Times , calm and Stanford.eds the idea here , is the quantity the authority of the , site and the relevance are all very , important pieces of so that'sit just a , super high-level brief overview on what , search engine optimization fundamentally , is so I hope that was useful if it was , helpful and if you learned something , today go ahead and click Subscribe down , below to get even more digital marketing , tactics and tips from us if you're on , YouTube I'd love a comment write what , you think this is helpful is this how , you'vie used search engine optimization , what are you focusing on for SEO what , are you kind of worried about I'd love , to hear from you I read every single , comment finally we have a massive number , of search engine optimization Sops and , more introductory tutorials on our , website we have a link for you down , below go ahead and click that link to , grab all the resources we talked about , today and even more and more advanced , SEO stuff now thanks a lot .

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