7 Tips for Improving Your Local SEO


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hey y'all welcome to another Word Press , Wednesday my name is Crichton and , today's topic is all about local SEO so , if you're familiar with our channel you , know that every single Wednesday we're , releasing some sort of video like this , that'gonna help you with your online , marketing and we focus on the world of , Word Press so today I'going to give you , seven tips to help you actually today go , to your website and improve certain , specific key elements that Google and , Yahoo and Being are looking for in order , to help you outrank your competition , seven specific thing sand stick around , to the end of the video too because I'm , gonna give you a link to PDF file , where you can actually download a full , complete checklist of a lot of stuff , that you can check off your website and , be sure that those things those key , things are in place so that you are out , ranking your competition so what's the , very first thing you need to be doing in , order to be sure that Google loves your , website and to improve your ranking for , search engine optimization believe it or , not the very first thing I'm going to , suggest to you is responsive design so , that when somebody comes to your website , on ac ell phone they're able to see , everything clearly without any zooming , options your menu is very clear for them , to be able to open and close easily so , responsive design is going to be an , absolute must-have when it comes to your , local Seine of the easiest ways for , you to check and see obviously is to , just get on your phone and look up your , website and if you don't have to zoom in , then you're probably responsive another , easy way is to actually do Google , mobile-friendly test and I'll put the , link to this in the description box , below or you can simply google , mobile-friendly test and you'll be able , to just come here and type in your web , address and it will do a quick analysis , of your website and tell you whether or , not you pass if your website is in fact , mobile-friendly or if it is not so , awesome integrity's is mobile-friendly , I'll give you a cool little screen shot , of how it looks so again I'll put the , link to that one in the description box , below that's number one ready for this , all right number two the next thing you , need to be doing and and this is a huge , one this is one you could go today and , make a change and it could ultimately , make a ranking difference today right , now is your page title , must include your city location so if , you have a store that people come to or , if you have a service that is location , counterargument that if you are roofing , company and you only service you know , your city you only provide roofs to , residential and commercial people in , your city then you are location driven , your city location must be included with , that key term that you're going after so , if you're a roofer and you're going , after let's say roofing services or new , roof then you want to have your city , right in front of it so for ours for , instance I'll show you this for , webtegrityits San Antonio web design , Word Press web design that is our page , title that is our home , page page title for integrity's website , so what you want to do is definitely , have your key phrase in there ours is , WordPressweb design but you also want , to have your city location even though , our company is actually international it , dozen't matter if we could dominate San , Antonio because we live in such a large , city that's gonna be good enough for us , and so really initially that's what , we're focused on is location driven San , Antonio so how you do that is inside of , your page titles if you're not familiar , with what that is and that's sounding , little foreign to you be sure to check , out earplug-in called a Yeasty o asst and , I'vie done a whole series on that I'll , put the link to that playlist in the , description box below check out that , plug-in it's a free plug-in inside of , Depressant will help you overwrite , those page titles so that you're sure to , be able to put in your key city it's , super important that they're inside your , header tag sand your page titles you , want to sprinkle in your location down , that page so let's say that you have , multiple location show do you do that , another awesome thing that you do in the , third tip I want to give you is a unique , landing page either per service that you , have or per location or perhaps even a , combination of both so let me explain , that one briefly obviously if you have , multiple services what you should not do , is a page that says services and just , bullet point lists each thing that you , have tardiest't give Google enough , substance to kind of sink it , teeth into and really want to present to , people searching what you want to do is , have a major landing page that talks , about each and every service so for ours , for instance we would have a major , service specifically for search engine , optimization services we would have a , major landing page on our website so , specifically forwardness web , development that's the way that works if , you have multiple locations I'll show , you an example her ewe'vie goat company , up in Canada that has multiple locations , and what they do is on their contact , page they have listed out their , different sales reps that rep different , areas oaf very vast territory that this , company sells window shades- so let's , say we want to connect with Nicole , Nicole has her own landing page she's , one of their sales reps she has there , her own landing page that has unique , content on it they'vie got her picture on , it with Little bit of her bio on it , they have unique phone number on here , specifically for this territory , specifically for Nicole and they also , have unique testimonies specifically to , her India and customers working with , her one of the reasons why this is super , important is that you want a page on , your website to have the page title for , the specific location or city that , you're working in that you're servicing , but that cannot have duplicate content , in other words you cannot make a , template for all of your different , cities and only go in and change just , the city name or the phone number on , each one you have to have unique content , on each and everyone of your major , landing pages hope that makes sense if , not get back to me on that we'll talk , about it the next thing I want to tell , you about obviously is social media , number four you'begot to be using , social media hands down if you're not , using that you're gonna struggle with , your local outreach so you want to be , sure that you're active over on Facebook , for sure and you want to be active , inside of Instagram these days it really , depends on where your audience is but , social media is going to be a key key , tool in your local outreach Google wants , to see you doing it plus your customers , want to be able to click on your social , media icons and see that you're active , there and kind of interact with you , first before they fully trust you one of , the key resources you can do though to , be , sure that things are kind of correct , across the board when it comes to social , media is a tool called MO local I'll , put the link to this in the description , box below'll show you how to use it , really quickly if I type in my name , integrity and put in our zip code of , our business and I say check my business , listing it's gonna do a quick search to , find me and see if'm in their , directory am in fact in their , directory so I'm gonna click on that , link and it'seagoing to what it's doing , right now is it's searching across the , board for all these different social , media network sand directory listings to , see if I have a correct score inside of , all these different social networks , alright so check this out right now I , have an W so there's somethings I , could do to improve that I can come here , and see my incomplete scores here and , it'll tell me hey over on super pages , you need to do this hey over on yellow , pages you needed this it's pretty cool , that it'll let me know even when I might , have missed one completely that I did't , even know about and I need to go add my , listing on there so check this out run , your business through this and it will , help you have that consistency across , the board when it comes to your local , listings all right the other thing you , want to be doing as you're looking at , these social media networks of course is , reviews so over here on integrity you , see that we have Google review sit is , very important that you have your , customers review your company whether , it's hereon Google+ or whether it's , over on Yelp or whether it's on Being you , want to have those reviews happening as , or even over on Facebook that's great , too I know that's probably the easiest , place for people to go and review your , company alright here we go number , we're gonna look at actually going out , into the community this sounds pretty , wild I know but if you'retrying to , reach your local community one of the , best things you can do is get out in the , community here at integrity we teach , free classes forwardness with our , Word Press meetup group so we'vie got all , sorts of classes going on monthly and , and we're actually leaving our local , business our brick and mortar going out , into the community and giving back and , reaching that local community of course , the , we'vie got our business cards with us and , we're handing those out we're networking , and asking people to visit our website , all of that absolutely helps the 7 thing , I want to tell you about number is , Google Analytic you are not tracking , your Google Analytic right now today , you will never know if all of this stuff , that you're doing is even working your , phone might start to ring mo rebut you , won't necessarily know where those leads , are coming from Google Analytic ISS , free option for you and it will tell you , that your social media is working it'll , tell you hey your Facebook brought in , W leads this month and Instagram only , brought in four don't be using Instagram , anymore or reevaluate how you are using , Instagram it will help you be , accountable to all the time you're , spending writing blog posts adding fresh , content putting in new pictures and new , products it's all gonna be important for , you to monitor and it's inside of Google , Undeclared here's the free PDF , that promise you it is actually from , MO local it's a full checklist'm , going to put the link to this in the , description box below so you can go , check it out I really hope you do it's , super important that you just read , through each one of these things step by , step and figure out how to improve your , website for local SEO if you have , questions further about this topics I , know went really quickly please put , them in the description box below and I , will get to them as soon as I Cain will , see y'all next Word Press Wednesday be , sure to subscribe via .

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