How To Get Quality Backlinks To Your Website? Get backlinks to your website for SEO


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hi today Would like to very quickly , show you how you can get a lot of , backlinks to your site and to your posts , how to generate backlinks for whatever , you wish to promote there are several , ways that you can genera tea lot of , backlinks to your website but one of the , most powerful ways that I use is using a , software called salmon and social , Monkey is really an amazing piece of , software that if you're serious about , your internet marketing strongly , suggest that you do go ahead and get , this software it's quite inexpensive and , it is really really worth it you can , generate hundreds of backlinks to every , single post that you make or every , single video that you create it's really , really powerful and of course the more , backlinks that you get the more quality , backlinks that you get to whatever , you're promoting you know the more , chance you have of outperforming your , competition and I would really recommend , that you do get this software there are , several features what salmon has , to offer but I will take you through , that a bit later on further down the , line in this short tutorial video but , firstly how to generate backlinks , firstly say for example this is my blog , post here which I wish to promote the , miracle of self-discipline with Brian , Tracy so let me go ahead and click on , that blog post and grab the URL and once , i do grab that URL so copy it and what , you want to do once you're actually in , salmon you want to head over to , submit URL you can also schedulers if , i should quickly show you how to , schedule oriels as you can see this , is my schedule calendar i am currently , and on the Ambassador member level which , i would really recommend , that you do upgrade to want you in , salmon as I say it's very cheap , it's no tit's not expensive at all but , what it does it allows you to generate , up to W backlinks to per day so you , could you can add I believe three , backlinks you can add sorry three links , every day at W backlinks each so you , could have potentially generate up to , W backlinks per day to your website is , my scheduling calendar which i am using , to generate two backlinks every day so , not to blankest links to generate , W backlinks per day each link on W , backlinks so that'S's backlinks per , day which i'm generating here are an , assault on autopilot it's automated so , once you set it you don't ha veto worry , about it you can even get you outsource , I to do that which is what I'vie done I , just hide my outsource to go to all of , my blogs and add two links per day so , that's how you know you're able to get a , lot of traffic to your website but , anyway once you once you'vie grabbed your , room link go ahead and click submit URL , it's very simple with a very simple , process everyone can do it okay so enter , the URL here copy and paste it into the , title so this case it'st he miracle of , self-discipline Brian Tracy so I'll go , ahead and enter the title okay and then , go ahead and enter a very short , description and as you can see once , you'vie slept in your title in , description you're going to see two , little buttons here once is TBS an done , says s are all these are what these are , these are back these are under spinning , software's which you know is optional , you don't have to get it I do have the , best spinner I have actually you know , invested in the best spinner which is a , spinning software which spins your , articles and I'm content to make it look , unique , to the search engines which will , ultimately prevent the chances you know , reduce the chances of your in those , articles getting flagged up for , duplicate content which in turn will you , know ultimately help your rankings sou , meanie would i would suggest you do go , ahead and purchase the best spinner , software which is what i use and i will , actually create another tutorial video , separate to this video which will , explain everything how to use the best , spinner'm it's a one-time fee and it , can it can help you to generate a unique , content and submit you know your unique , content which is something would , recommend but you don'thieve to but if , you do have if you have invested in the , best villain just go ahead and click the , button TBS and as you can see it would , have automatically spun my title to , create several different unique versions , and do the same for the description just , go ahead and click the best spinner , button below as you can see it's now , effectively spun my description and then , what you want to do is go ahead and , enter your tags , and okay once you have entered your tags , go ahead and click select a category and , then what you want to do the ideal thing , here are drug-free drip-feed it over W , days you know it does take longer to get , tuberculin's but it's much more , effective because it looks more natural , to the search engines so I mean if , you're in hurry to get the backlinks , to your site go ahead and just do drip , feed it to eight days but you know I'm , in it for the long run so I just go , ahead and select / W / W days you drip , feed your backlinks into the search , engines choose submission number sites , go ahead and select the maximum W and , if you're an ambassador you get an extra , W Baton backlinks so that'actually , W blinks'm getting for that one , post can you imagine if you know if my , competition Warren't doing this you know , how much more leverage you're going to , gain how much more bit of an advantage , are you going to gain over your , competition by having extra backlinks , but that's how you're going to get your , site ranked a lot higher furthermore , salmon actually has YouTube , feature where you can embed your YouTube , URL to loads of different sites as well , this is a separate feature if you're if , you're if you're doing video marketing I , would strongly suggest that you do use , this feature an upgrade to ambassador , level because it will help your videos , to get ranked a lot higher and a lot , faster as well this is Avery powerful , feature that salmon offers and , whenever I do post a blog post if I'm , creating a tutorial video or some form , of video connected she's up to that blog , post and I will include the YouTube link , there and go ahead and get loads of , backlinks and & M views on my YouTube , videos that way , another feature is the social media , sharing marketplace so go ahead and , click Add the submission to the SM , marketplace this is another extreme this , is as I said you get W backlinks as an , ambassador member and only that but you , can get your YouTube videos watched and , shared and viewed to get loads of , backlinks for them as well but also the , most powerful feature is this because as , you may well know Google and the search , engines you know a great emphasis take , place nowadays is on social shares and , like if for example if you get a , Facebook Facebook comment or a , Google+ comment or a Twitter comment or , twitter share then this will these are , high PR backlinks that you're getting , here so once you submit your link to the , social sharing marketplace not only are , you getting your W backlinks you're , also getting loads and loads of even , hundreds of quality social media , backlinks shares to your content which , is basically just boosting the number of , shares that you're getting and the , number of backlinks so you're probably , you could even begin several hundred , backlinks just for one post that you're , promoting this is an extremely powerful , tool I mean I haven'seen anything else , like it online and I would urge you to , get this so anyway once you'vie done that , go ahead and click preview and submit , okay is telling us please don'Tues , dashes in the title field so I'll go , ahead and change that to go find the , dashes , let's give that a go see if that's , working now okay you can go ahead and , click Submit to sides as we as we , discussed earlier this is much more than , W sites especially if you're using the , Ambassador level which is actually W , sites plus if you're using the social , media sharing marketplace which is , giving you extremely high quality PR , backlinks social media sharing backlinks , you know it's a lot more than , backlinks here but anyway go ahead and , click that button , as it says here your submission has been , scheduled your report will be generated , when the submission is completed so that , is how have just submitted that blog , post now and get tons and tons of , backlinks to that particular link let me , just quickly go ahead and show you the , social sharing Center I mean this is an , extremely powerful talk as you can see , here oh wow are we just submitted the , miracle of self-discipline with Brian , Tracy and as you can see is , automatically been shared on different , social media platforms W times just by , submitting this one post so that's W , shares that we're getting plus the , hundred and seventy-five other backlinks , them to this post can you see how , powerful this piece of software is and , for the price that you're getting for is , it's really really cheap there are so , many other features powerful features to , this backlinking software anyway as you , can see this is a very simple process to , get backlinks to your website so i hope , this video was useful to you if you'vie , got any further questions feel free to , send me an email at info atonal dash , Mancini com where I will try my best to , get back to you as soon as possible with , the answer that you're looking for , furthermore don't forget to subscribe to , my YouTube channel and connect with me , further Facebook of the links i will , include beneath the description to this , video don't forget to hover over to my , blog and subscribe to my emailing list , to receive all of my latest updates sent , straight to your inbox and thank you for , your time thank you for your attention , and look forward to talking to you in , person and connecting with you soon have , great day take care  

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