Advertorials and Native Advertising


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hi everybody my name is Matt Cut ts and I , work in the web spam tea mat Google and , I wanted to talk to you today for a , little while about advertorials native , advertising and editorial content so , let's start off with the easiest stuff , editorial content that's the meat and , potatoes of whatever you're writing if , you're a blogger it's the primary stuff , you're writing about if you're a , newspaper it's the news articles that , you publish online or in your newspaper , I think people have a pretty good sense , about what editorial content is so how , about advertorial content or native , advertising , well it's advertising but it's often the , sort of advertising that looks a little , closer to editorial but it basically , means that someone gave you some money , rather than you writing about this , naturally because you though tit was , interesting or because you wanted to so , so why do I care about this why are we , making a video about this at all well , the reason is certainly within the web , spam team we'vie seen little bit of , problems where there's been advertorial , or native advertising content or paid , content that Hans't really been , disclosed adequately so that people , realize that what they were looking at , was paid so that's a problem , um we have had long-standing guidance , since at least W I think that says , look if you pay for links those links , should not pass Greenland the reason , is that Google for a very long time and , in fact everywhere on the web people , have mostly treated links as editorial , boats they link to something because , it's it inspires passion in them it's , something that's interesting they want , to share it with friends you know , there's some reason why they want to , highlight that particular link now if , someone were to come to newspaper , reporter and say I'm going to give you , some money can you link within my your , editorial story that you're writing your , news article that would be deceptive you , know people would not realize that that , was that there was payment involved and , it would really not be fair so paid , links that pass PageRankchanged the , landscape it makes it uneven so that , people can't complete on a level playing , field and that'SWAT we want to ensure , that we have on the web and certainly , within Google'Web index so so what are , the guidelines , for advertorials or for native , advertising well there's there'twofold , things that you should think about the , first is on the search engine side of , things and search engine wise you should , make sure that if links are paid that is , if money changed hand sin order for a , link to be placed Ina website then it , should not flow Page Rankin essence it , should't affect search engines rankings , that's no different than the guidance , we'vie had for many years and years and , years likewise if you are doing , disclosure you need to make sure that , it's clear to people so a good rule of , thumb is there should be clear and , conspicuous disclosure it should'tube , the case that people have to dig around , buried in small print or have to click , and you know look around long time to , find out , oh this content that'm reading was , actually paid so why are we talking , about this now this USN't a change in , our search engine policy certainly not , in the web spam team well the reason is , that we'vie seen some people who have not , been doing it correctly so we'vie seen , for example in the United Kingdom a few , sites that have been taking money and , writing articles that were paid , including keyword rich anchor text in , those articles that float Greenland , then not telling anybody that those were , paid articles and that's the sort of , thing where if a regular user you know , happen to be reading your website and , did't know that it was paid they'd , really be pretty frustrated and pretty , angry when they found out that it was , paid so we'vie taken action on this sort , of thing you know for year sand years , and we're going to keep taking strong , action we do think it's important to be , able to to figure out whether something , is paid or not on the we band it's not , just the web spam team it's not just , search quality and the web search , results the Google New steam recently , published on their blog and said that if , you don't provide adequate disclosure of , paid content whether it be native , advertising advertorials whatever you , know whenever there's money change in , hand if users don't realize that , sufficiently because there's not , adequate disclosure the Google News team , mentioned that they might not only , remove the paid content but we're , willing to go up to and including , removing the publication from Google , News so I think if you look at Google , and you look at our policy on , advertorial sit's , constant for the last several years but , we just want to reiterate and make sure , that people realize that if this can be , an issue if you are taking money and , posting content that people don't , realize is paid or is not adequately , disclosed both to people and to search , engines we are willing to take action on , that , not just in Google search result snot , just in the web spam team but also in , Google News and so that's why it would , behoove people to have an abundance of , caution whenever they're considering , these things to just make sure that they , they do provide adequate disclosure and , that it's abundantly clear to users , what's paid and what's not paid  

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