Top 10 Free Website Traffic Sources - NO INVESTMENT NEEDED!


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hey guys what's Michael here so this , video is called a top free ways to , get traffic to your website in OR , whenever you watch this video really um , so this video by the way don'tavern , know if I'm going to name W traffic , sources I actually just take the title , because want to rank the video for the , title so that's already the first kind , of lesson you get today you know that's , how you do it you got to rank your , videos but actually think I'm I will , probably gather around 7 or 8 or even , maybe W free traffic sources that you , can use today in order to get traffic , and by the way I noticed that there are , some guys on YouTube really bash free , traffic sources right they actually say , things like if you don'TKO how to run , Goldwater's if you don't know how to , run ads on Goldwater's or Facebook , ads if you don't know if you don'thieve , a paid advertising strategy yet they , visually say things like get areal life , job and make money there an don the side , go to your business which is complete , bullshit you know because if you don't , start I don'TKO anyone in the online , marketing industry like in the make , money online niche kind of thing who , just started out by starting with paid , advertising methods'vie never actually , met someone who did this all the people , Met who make six figures or even , millions of dollars they they started , retreat free traffic sort of like SEO or , any other kind of stuff okay so in one , argument these other guys bring is that , free traffic source stake a lot of time , to get your traffic which is true for , SEO for example it takes while to rank , specific sites right it could take up to , a few months to rank sites but these are , not the only free traffic sources that , are out there there's way more and'm , going to show you in this video right , here so be sure to check it out , [Music] , [Applause] , all right and to be honest really the , truth is that if you're just out there , and getting started and stuff I mean if , you try to start with paid advertising , methods and stuff you're just going to , waste a lot of money because you don't , have any real feeling yet of how your , traffic like how it comes in and ho wit , interacts with your site an dhow how , what really conversion is I mean all of , these guys who say who Paris'd is paid , advertising and paid advertising is , great really what what mostly tell , people though is like if you want to get , from like zero to let's say,W a , month or something like this you can do , this W%for free with free advertising , methods okay with free traffic sources , you can want her to send do that before , I ever started any any Facebook ads or , any Goldwater's I easily made ten , thousand dollars a month for free , meaning and of course not for free I , meanie had to put in time in to do , specific methods and higher specific , people and so but all the traffic , sources was easily making six figures , every year using only free traffic , method sources okay what I am saying , though is if you want to scale it up , then you really if you want to go to the , millions and stuff you need paid , advertising you right that's that'sf or , sure that'just a little disclaimer for , this video okay so first method I want , to show you guys right here I want to , talk about is in my opinion probably the , best way to generate free traffic for , your site almost instantly is YouTube , Wright so that'something different , than Google SEO for example because , Google just takes a shitload of time you , know if you have a new website and also , depending on your competition , competition of the keyword and stuff it , really takes a long time to rank your , site for a specific keyword that gets a , lot of searches which means you will get , a lot of traffic which you need in order , to make a lot of money so you can easily , say if you have a new site or some , it probably takes a few months and then , then you have to know what to do and you , have to buy the right back wings and , stuff and by the way it's not , percent free Google Wright YouTube , SEO doe can be free right so you can go , out there and create bunch of videos , and rank them for low competition , keyword sand I'm talking about this in , another video for example you use launch , jacking and stuff ranking for keywords , for products that haven't even been , released yet and being an affiliate , himself and then you can get paid that , way right we call that stuff YouTube , speed ranking and we do it every single , day guys , so it's easy to do and you can get start , just check out a few video son my , channel and stuff okay so the second , thing I can think of in my mind which is , which which goes really really fast , where you can drive traffic really fast , depending a little bit on your niche , though bu tit's Twitter okay um lot of , people call Twitter debt which is just , not true because Twitter I mean still , has awesome functions like you can , actually search for specific keywords or , hashtags and stuff and then you can get , in touch live and life time with people , actually tweeted about this for example , someone let's say you offer don't know , you have offered consulting or you offer , a fitness product or whatever you should , search for someone who asked a question , about this topic right and then you go , in there and reply to people like you , literally ha veto go out there and reply , to hundreds of people every single day , by the way um free traffic requires a , lot of effort you know so that's the , thing right here basically there is , nothing really like actual free traffic , because we have to trade your time so if , you consider that um it's still I mean , you still have to pay with something , which is your time right so for example , if you go out there and spend an hour , using free traffic methods you're still , you haven't you did't pay any money but , but you still spend your time doing it , but what else would you want to do right , if Yuan't got money you gotta hustle , right so that'SWAT Otis um so that's , Twitter basically you'vie Giotto engage , with people in your in your target , audience if you follow people a day , W people day some of you follow bag , some of them follow bad click the link , in your bio go to your side and all of , this stuff right then another another , way that's almost instant is Facebook , group posting right so you simply go to , Facebook groups who are in your niche so , again if you're in the fitness nature , whatever I just go Fitness related to , fitness related Facebook groups you join , them you wait for that for for for these , groups to accept you and then you don't , want to spam like all the other idiots , are doing it you want to go in there , want to provide massive value so you , join groups you go in these W groups , every single day you see if someone has , a question or something and you go in , there and you just answer the question , in detail and then you can sometimes put , your own link to your site in there and , people would just you would just become , an authority in your nature and people , will convict you and everything okay so , all these three methods but I think I , renamed three methods right no wall , three methods right here they're W% , free they all require effort some effort , I mean it's not really hard to do right , you just gotta sit in front of your , compute rand do it right so but all of , these metrics are instant right so , another one that I can think of right , from my head right now is probably , Instagram so Instagram is kind of like , the same method same thing as Twitter , just Instagram is way harder right now , so the chances that you make money using , Instagram are way higher basically right , now than Twitter because you can go out , there you have your your profile right , you go to in your niche like you follow , targeted people you engage with them , let's say you follow people Ada , W% follow back or checkout your , profile checkout your link in your bio , and stuff and you already have W , people Ada who check out your stuff , right no money paid nothing no paid , advertising nothing just want her , percent for free and Already named , methods so if you multiply that 4 times , you already have people Ada on , your side I mean that's not , the one Harper sent highly targeted , targeted traffic out there but it's a , start , right so it's not like some newbies who , have like you only get like ten clicks a , day on their side and then they complain , right also remember don't use this whole , paid advertising thing that some people , really like preach itself as an excuse , you know because I already met a lot of , people who said like I can't start an , online business because don't have , that much money to invest in Facebook , ads or Goldwater's or whatever right , so there'Son excuse really if you want , to start an online business you can do , it today you know and that'shy I never , show any respect for people who say , don'Tet traffic i don't get any one , checking out my side or something good , it's just effort right and then , Instagram thyroid messaging is also , maybe that's another method right here , you can easily go out there and really , get in touch with as many people as , possible every single day and Obama , BAAAM BAAAM Instagram direct method , drive engage with people and then sorry , for making this sound right here bu tum , engage with people and then just link , them to your side after conversation has , ended um but I you can't post an actual , link but you can say click link in my , bio if you want to learn more and stuff , okay so we have five methods already , right here what's another one that you , think real quick I had a feeling a , little bit for a second right now not a , really easy one it's read it okay so , what you do is the figment on reedit , though is you need too don'TKO how , to cal lit but you need an older account , that s some karma whatever they call it , like some experience and stuff and some , ratings and things so you jump on to , you get an account like this , for five bucks or you actually just hire , the guy who has the account to post for , you and your post in related subeditor , right you just post there and then you , buy some uploads then you build up your , post and that's how you get traffic , right I know people get down to , preserves every single day just by doing , that okay so that's another good way to , do things so reedit it'SA six method , right here I can recommend for free , traffic then of course seventh one is , forums right there's in whatever niche , you're in there's always a forum around , it or if you're in the fitness niche as , a fitness forum if you're a photographer , there's a photography photography forum , right or tons of them right depending on , the niche so you just want to make an , account there and want to provide as , much value as possible in most forums , they have a signature space right so , where you can put your own links in the , signatures some habits I'm doing okay , most of them dude oh so you do that you , do every day you post ten or twenty W , posts on on the forum you answer a , question like like in a great way , actually hire VA it's like virtual , assistants did you get for me and online , related and online marketing related , forms writing it's great you know I mean , the results are awesome you know'vie , been probably making few thousand , dollars a month just by by three forum , posting every single day and engaging , with people right it really I mean it , depends on your product if you have , recurring product or service you can , even stacks up you know so it'pretty , amazing so that'another free method , right here alright guys so Just named , like seven free traffic methods I think , that's it for now we had YouTube , Facebook Instagram forums and all kinds , of stuff okay so I actually created a , webinar or actually a video that you can , just watch on extreme social and I will , put the link in description stuff you , should sign up there real quickie got , for free traffic methods that we can use , or you can use every single day to , generate up to W leads for your , business for free every single day which , is around,W leads every single month , you're gonna want to read it it's , basically someone who signs up for your , email list or whatever righto mean you , can also dispute will also turn into , customers or you just have a have a , website and you just need free traffic , you can also use these Methodist's , pretty pretty awesome in the webinar , in the video basically I will explain , that to you guys in detail right I will , actually show it take you to my screen , as your use , to it right by my tutorials and stuff , and Will take you to screen and , actually show you how you use these free , methods to really get result sand really , just go out there and generate traffic , real quick you can really watch the , video or and you can start that stuff , within half an hour after you'vie done it , and already see result sand also that's , pretty insane this is like high speed , traffic generation right here you don't , have to really fuck around with any paid , ad and invest money and loose leave and , just think too much about paid , advertising or something right so yeah , that was the video hope you really , enjoy edit be sure to LIKE and subscribe , and see you in the next one  

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