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hey y'all welcome to another Word Press , Wednesday my name is Lori ash ton here at , integrity in San antibiotics and it , is another wonderful WordPress Wednesday , and today we are gonna talk a little bit , about SEO and specifically is a single , page website better are OK Fosse , versus multiple pages on websites we're , seeing more and more trending of the , single page beautiful dynamic cool kind , of infinity scrolling websites out there , those templates that you can purchase , and really they're spectacular but are , they good for SEO we're getting those , questions quite a bit sou just want to , address that Little bit today this is , gonna be very short quick tutorial kind , of walk you through some different ideas , when it comes to what kind of the best , practices right so is it good to have , one page or is it good to do multiple , pages so I just got to give a shout out , really quickly to these three awesome , awesome sponsors that helped us out , dopey engine if you're looking for , really great WordPress secure fast , awesome hosting check them out WP , elevation if you're an entrepreneur , check them out because they're gonna , help you learn how to write better , proposals get more contracts offer , better services to your client sand of , course WP W if you're looking for more , tutorials on how to handle your , Word Press website these are the guys to , go to OK so let's talk about it I'm , gonna slide off the screen just so you , can see this this is one of our websites , that we designed this is a single page , website so let's just say let's click on , who we are see how we kind of scroll , down the page here what we do you kind , of scroll down there's that and if you , just keep scrolling here's the how we do , it our agenda is your success and we , kind of just keep scrolling down very , typically all the content stays on one , page and then you can go back up to the , top some of these templates though do , have these themes do have the , opportunity to have a blog so when you , click on blog you can comedown here see , the most recent blog articles click and , then you're moving into the website and , kind of going in and seeing more , quote-unquote pages this would be a post , of course right so is this is this , option good for SEO putting all of your , content down one page your contacting , from , and your BIOS especially if you don't , have a whole lot of content is it better , just to put it on one page so the quick , answer to that is it'snot necessarily , better it's not necessarily bad either , though so here's what I want you to , think about what type of industry are , you involve din is your industry , saturated and in other words are you in , like the insurance industry are you in , lawyers you know the legal field are you , in something with medical those , industries are saturated with a lot a , lot alto a lo ta lot of content but if , you're in an industry that's very very , fine a very tiny niche you might be able , to get away with doing single-page , website what you want to remember is , that Googlies looking on your website , to find the best possible content for , something that the person is searching , for right so it's not necessarily the , fact that Google looks at your website , and says I don't like your website so , I'm not going to present it or rank it , hi it's that Google look sat your , website and says is this the best , possible information for the search that , was just performed so they'reweighing , out all of your content they're looking , at every single page every single post , on your website if you're allowing them , to so website like ours over here at , biodegraded offers you know a lot of , content on the home page that offers an , inside service page as you click in and , go further into the website and then you , click here again and go further into the , website and see that we have all these , different options available for you you , can go in and see our portfolio there's , our pace counseling group that we were , just talking about and get to see kind , of what it looks like to have all this , content basically Google's robots will , go through and crawl the whole website , so that when somebody does a search for , Word Press in San Antonio they're gonna , be able to present integrity's website , right it might be a little bit more , difficult to be presenting something , that's a single page as Google might , look at the weight of it and the , authority of it and say it'snot , necessarily the best information , possible so I'm going to present , somebody else or ranked somebody else , higher than you so all that said to say , you also have some options for adding in , social media so if you're advertising , out on social media and you're sending a , lot of traffic to your website that will , of course help boost your website right , and if you , learn more and more more about SEOI'm , gonna put a link right here to another , free option that have for you and I'll , pita link in the description box below , so of course that I have online that you , can checkout for SEO you can learn all , about how to make Google fall in love , with wardress website alright I , hope this has helped it's just are ally , quick tutorial on ISS single page , website okay for SEO versus multiple , page sand again my short answer ISO , prefer to see multiple pages so that you , can have different links at the top , different URLs for each and every page , so that you can hopefully grow your , website and kind of build all the , information that'st here to allow Google , to see you as a bigger and better , authority on the subject or on the , services that you offer have a great , WordPress Wednesday and if you're , interested please be sure to subscribe , because we're doing these every single , Wednesday just for you have a great one , I yeah