How To SEO Optimize Your WordPress Website With SEOPress Setup Tutorial


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in this video I'gonna give you a full , tutorial on adding press to your , website we're gonna go over the free , version and the pro version it just has , a few extra features that come along , with it and we're gonna implement that , on your website today hi my name is Adam , from WP craftier where we go over , tactics and tutorials to grow your , income and influence online if that , interests you consider clicking on the , subscribe button and to not Miss thing , go ahead and click on that notification , bell so here we are this is SEO presses , website you can get hereby going to WP , craft er comm slash SEO press now it's , also afire plugin that you would , install and activate on your website by , just going to plugins add new do a , search Fosse press and it's going to , be right there it is the paid version is , a really good deal it's only$W and you , can install it on unlimited sites just , to give you an idea of that if you went , with the solution like Yeast you're , looking at about think I add edit up , and it would came out to dollars per , website where this is $for unlimited , website so it is a pretty good deal so , let'sago over how this is going to work , I'vie got two websites one of them right , here says SEO press pro as the title and , this is going to be the one that has the , pro version installed and I have another , one right here , SEO press free and this is just going to , have the free version of SEO press , installed on the website and during the , video might go back and forth just to , point out some of the features in the , pro and how to configure that just so , that this video can be for everyone , that's using this plug-in and this , plugin is very popular with agency , owners because of the very attractive , pricing and it's beautiful plugin I , recently did video comparing SEO , plugins and SEO press came out on to pin , every regard pretty much so let's just , go ahead and jump inlet me actually , stop for a second and let you know that , an Splurging is not some miraculous , solution to have a website that ranks , well , it's just not it'gonna help you with , the technical aspect son your Word Press , website so that search engines are gonna , have a better understanding of what your , website is all about but it'snot some , magic bullet where you just install this , and them all of sudden you get an , avalanche of traffic that's just not how , it works you're gonna have to have , content you're gonna have to have a , content strategy it's going to help you , wit hall the on-page SEO aspects of your , website but I will let you know that for , the less competitive keyword phrases , on pages is pretty much all that you , really need to get dialed in in order to , get some really good rankings for your , various websites okay so I have already , installed SEO press on both of these , websites so if I go to plugin son each , here is the pro one so with the pro you , download and install the free version , from the Word Press plug-in directory and , then you have this Pro add-on pack and , so here's the free version only so let's , go ahead and jump straight on into the , settings and'll just do it for both , it's gonna be pretty much the same for , for most of what I'm gonna go through , here so you're immediately met with this , Notification Center now let me tell you , a lot of what I'm pointing pointing out , right now you can disable in the , settings so we're gonna take look at , the settings of the plug-in first so , this is actually very helpful though it , has a little Notification Center now you , can click on the little trash can here , and get rid of any of these , notifications however I thin kit's great , that they are there to kind of guide you , on a path in order to check of fa check , off all the boxes to make sure your , website is everything that it needs so , number one it's recommending an SSL , certificate you should really have an , SSL certificate have a video on that , I'll put a link in the video description , box below and then it's giving you some , warnings about your Reseed and we're , gonna get into that in a moment that's , asking before are view and that's okay I , would definitely recommend giving them a , review and there's just a couple of , other warnings here's a really nice one , though it's asking you if you have a , Google my business page now that is for , local business , and you can go ahead and click on this , link right here it will take you over to , Google my business you can go ahead and , create an account fill all that , information out to get a proper google , listing for your business if it's a , local business and then this la stone is , very important is to add your website , and this is what you want for every , website that you have or manage you want , to make sure it is registered with , google webmaster tools or also referred , to as the google search console now what , happens is when you click on this button , it will take you over there if you do , not have a Google account you're gonna , just go through little steps to create , the Google account and then right here , you will click right this red button , right here that says add property you'll , go ahead and click on this pop in the , UR Land it's going to give you a little , code or a downloadable file that you can , add to your website in order to make the , connection and verify the website you , absolutely want to do this and so with a , little bit of code there's going to be a , spot to place it here in side of SEO , press now with SEO press you also have a , couple tabs right here so right here we , just have useful links tab and you can , leave this here or turn it off in the , settings however in the pro version you , also have a option right here that says , SEO tools and these are nice to have , can click on this button right here get , list and if your website is on shared , hosting you click on this and it will , tell you all the other URLs or websites , that are also hosted on the same web , server this is good because you probably , don't want your business site or , anything like that on website with , maybe adult related content or some , questionable content that you might not , want okay and then right here you can , set in to be emailed when your domain is , going to expire that's always good you'd , be surprised at how many people let , their domain expire and then you can get , your Alex rank here so those are just , the first little batches of differences , right there we're gonna initially work , our way backwards with this list right , hereof settings so I'm going to start , in tool snow it's important to note if , you have website , that hastiest and maybe you want to , switch to SEO press there's a way to , easily switch okay so in the tools we're , gonna get the option to export our , settings import our settings and then , here is the option to migrate the data , that you'veal ready perhaps added to , Yeasty pull that unties press so you , can just go ahead and read this click on , migrate now and it's gonna migrate that , data so it's gonna be available in SEO , press here's an option to reset your , notifications and reset all of your , settings so now let's go ahead and click , on advanced we're kind of working our , way backwards here now for advanced we , have these three options advanced , appearance and then security and this is , probably why I want to go backwards is , because I want to show you that you have , control over the appearance of the , plugin and I'm still in the free version , here it's gonna probably be the exact , same as the paid version right here it's , the same three tabs okay so we're still , in the free version so here'seagoing to , be some various options for technical , SEO aspects of the website make sure , before you enable any of these that you , know exactly what you're doing so here , is one tattiest for example has on by , default actually don't like this , feature if you enable this it's going to , remove stop words from the URL so if you , go to create anew blog post and it has , a few words in it that the plug-in might , or that might not be so important to SEO , it'll just remove those these would be , words like iota to things like that I , don't recommend having this checked as a , matter of fact I recommend customizing , every URL for every blog post and I'm , going to show you how to do that in this , video and here's another one this is , probably not recommended so if you have , categories for your blog post sand you , assign different blog posts to , categories when you're looking at the , URL for a category it has the word it , has your domain name that it has the , word category and then it has the name , of the category and this would strip , category out of that URL , I would't enable that and a lot of , these options here would recommend , just just make sure you , know what you're doing but before you , enable them but you don't really need to , enable them now here's where that google , site verification code would go that we , just got out of the Google search engine , console you would go ahead and paste , that right here let me show you how to , get that really quick after you'vie added , your website to Google search engine , console it'll say not verified off to , the right here it says manage property , there's an option that says verify this , property go ahead and click on that and , it's telling you what you need to do in , order to verify that you own and control , this website what you would do here is , click on alternate methods and then , right here you would click on HTML tag , and it will show you what you need to , copy and pa stein there so you just copy , this right here and then you go ahead , and paste that in right there and that's , all that you would need to do save the , changes and then go ahead and check to , see if it's verified that's pretty much , all there is to getting your site linked , upon let's go onto the appearance , settings right here so you get some , robust options of the appearance of SEO , press so right here you can remove it , from the admin bar so if you see right , here this is the admin bar usually , don't like plugins adding anything to , the admin bar an SEO press will give you , an option to remove that next is an , option of where the plug-in is in the , menu list right here here's where you , can hide the notification center the SEO , tools and the useful links that just , showed you in the very beginning of this , video I like that you get these options , to have that kind of granular control , now the rest of these options here , you're gonna want to know what you're , enabling like I said before I would go , ahead and suggest leaving them all as , the default at this point okay , so let's jump into security and this is , gonna allow you to have control over who , gets to see the option box in a post or , a page so when we go into post center , page in a moment we're gonna see how , there is a spot to put some SEO related , information and that's really the bread , and butter of any SEO plugin but you get , control over who , it would see it based upon their user , level right here so if it'just you , logging into your website you can just , leave that as is okay so I'gonna jump , back into the dashboard and we're gonna , start going over some of the option snow , when you scroll down on the free version , you're gonna get titles and meta so this , is going to be your site titles your , titles for categories and all that we're , gonna go through that in a minute , minutes here's for your sitemaps now , what is very cool is that the free , version includes an image sitemap Andean , HTML sitemap the pro version comes with , a video sitemap social networking , settings your Google Analytic so what , this means is you're going to be able to , use this instead of a Google Analytic , plug-in on your website or having the , little snippet of code in the footer or , whatever location in your website we , have some advanced options which you , already covered and we'vie already , covered tools now when you're on the , professional version let me go back to , the dashboard there's some additional , options and what's nice is you can , toggle these on or off or click manage , to jump right into those settings but if , you notice we also have an option here , in the menu on the left OK so advanced , now this is where you see the pro stuff , okay you can do SEO to Woo Commerce , product pages that's included in pro or , easy digital downloads now it's smart , enough to know I don'thieve woken verse , or easy digital downloads installed on , this website so these are off by default , local business this is actually very , good as well to give Google as much , information about your website if you're , a local business to give that local , business information you can toggle this , off if you're not a local business so , for me I would have that toggled off do , blink or this has to do with some , metadata structure data types what this , is going to allow you to do is to get , some Rich Snippets on your search engine , pages when you're when your various , pieces of content or there so if you , have recipes it get supports that in , several other of those structured data , types breadcrumbs Google page speed , it'll just check that for , you you have control over your , robots.text file most people will not , need to get into that Google News , sitemap this is really coolie'm going to , show you that later in the video but , this is where the most recent content , you'vie published on your blog will show , as Google will have the option of , listing that as current news so whenever , you type a current news event in Google , you'll see these cards and it usually , will say you know this was W hour sago , and this was hours ago that's Google , News you can get into Google News with , this enabled redirection so this is if , you need to do redirects they have a , little but to find broken links , back links if you have Majestic API which , I do not have URL rewriting access , control over your RSS feed and you can , see there's a lot to this okay let's get , back to the free version so first thing , we're going to do is we're gonna go over , these settings and then we're gonna jump , into blog post Ora website page in , order for you to see what information , you would want to put in there , - SEO optimizes those pieces of content , okay so first I'gonna click on titles , and meta now right here is where you're , gonna put the site title for your , website now by default it's gonna use , the site title that you actually have in , the settings of your plugin let me show , you where this is important so here am , I just searched for WP craft er here on , Google and you see this bit right here , this right here is your site title so , you get full control over that site , title for your website right here so if , you did't want what is Stein - it's , going to be under settings an din , general you can put whatever you want , right here and the same thing goes for , the meta description so this bit right , here is my meta description so for your , website you would go ahead and put that , meta description right there so the , first option is to set it for your , homepage the next is kind of the , template to use for different types of , content on your website so single post , type Cesar going to be right here posts , or pages okay so by default it's set to , with these variables to use what you put , as the post , now you can customize this on a post by , post basis and I'm going to show you and , then it will show -and then show the , site title you can change this if you , want if you did't want Otto show the , site title at the end you could just go , like this and then remove it and it's , gone okay and the same thing goes for , meta description and the same thing goes , for your pages you can do it like that , so you get total control over your , title sand your meta now really though , you're gonna set those Ina post my post , in Page-by-page basis anyway but you , could also globally set them here okay , so the archives this is for your author , archives now this is best to have , disabled so by default right here it's , set Toni index I would also recommend , on this to check this box to disable the , author archives it's kind of like a , zombie page it's not gonna bring any SEO , value or convenience to anyone that's on , your website I would recommend go ahead , and disable that and it's also , security concern having that in there , it's a default thing thatWordPress does , sou would just recommend checking that , box to disable it okay you have date , archives with the posts that you create , on your website and so by default it's , set to no Index , I for me would also disable this our , kind of archive because it brings no , value and it kind of dilutes the potency , of your website and the content on your , website'd go ahead and disable that , search archives you can leave that as is , so if someone does a search if you have , a search field available and someone , does a search that page the title for , it's going to be the name of the keyword , and then the site title you can I would , just leave that the way that it is and , also your archive page you have , control over that as well okay so next , we're going to go to took some , taxonomies and these are going to be the , SEO values for your category pages so if , you're categorizing blog post sand it's , also going to be the tag pages if you're , adding pages you're adding tags to your , various blog posts so let's take a look , at this you have the same thing you have , control over how it's going to look for , categories so , you can go with the default template if , you wan tor put something in there that , you want and maybe mix in this variable , here the category title these are just , what could be referred to as a merge tag , so because this is right here this means , it's going to pull the category title in , it's not going to say this it'll pull , the name in of the category okay so I , like to leave the category the way that , it is but tags is a little different if , you'reusing tags , it's pages and content that has little , to no value for Google and it just adds , tithe total page count of your website , and it kind of dilutes things as well so , on this would suggest putting in this , checkbox here for no index this will , instruct Google to not or any search , engine to not index these tag pages , themselves and also by checking this box , it'll also remove it from the sitemap , that the plug-in is going to generate , for your website and lastly we have the , Advanced Options right here and this is , where on a global level you could set , for nothing to be indexed on your , website so if I check this box that's , telling a search engine please don't , don'just index any of the content here , same thing with novelettes various , options here so be very careful here , because you could have some kind of an , unintended consequence so now if I go , into the professional version you're , gonna see it's identical so everything , that we went through just now I'vie got , all the options right here I'm in the , pro version it's all the same options , now if you were to have custom post , types on your website that you're , creating it's kind of a technical thing , you would have options for those as well , listed out here OK so now we're gonna , move onto the sitemap I gotta say they , have the most generous as a sitemap , feature most SEO plugins only have just , your standard sitemap but with the SEO , press you're getting an image sitemap as , well and if you have the pro version you , can get a video sitemap with it as well , so first we'll click on the general tab , here and we have these options here , there's going to be a little bit of a , difference right here so , we're gonna see that here can enable , on the professional version the video , sitemap if I wanted to just by checking , here and as a matter of fact I'gonna , do that and that should give me an , additional option later on that we're , going to see alright so here we are so , that was the one little setting , difference that you got to see now first , we have these options here you can click , on this button to actually view your , sitemap and here's something that I love , about this plug-in that I don't know why , all the other SEO plugins don't do this , so what happens a lot when people add an , Splurge-in to their website and they , try to view the sitemap it'll say not , found and that's because you have to do , something called resetting or flushing , your planks well they'vie added a , convenience feature where if you are , clicking right hereto view your sitemap , and it dozen't pull up just click on , flush permalinkslike that and it's , gonna pull right on up for you I love , that they added that as a matter of fact , because that's something that new people , - SEO plugins run into all of the time , OK so right here you can choose to , enable the sitemap so if you don't , already have a sitemap plug-in you , absolutely want a sitemap before your , website but what'school is it'll also , create an image sitemap so if you go to , google and right here and you click on , images it's actually not given there it , is images you click on here then the , images on your website could be indexed , there if that'something that you , wanted- okay and then there's also the , HTML sitemap I need to enable this on my , own website essentially it's going to , give you a littleshortcode you can put , on a particular page that you would , create and it's going to have this very , visually nice sitemap that someone can , actually visit and find the different , pieces of content on your website , because these XML sitemaps they're for a , search engine they're not for a visitor , on your website because it custodian't , look good at all okay so let'start , going through these tabs so essentially , we're going to get control over what's , include din this sitemap okay so right , here you can unchecked any type of content , that you don't want included and this , would be if you usually if you have , something for example with me I have a , learning management system Left or LMS , and it , it's a custom post type for lessons , while I am protecting those I don't want , those in the sitemap so that's an , example of some content that you , would'twat in the sitemap you would , come here in and unchecked those options , okay and taxonomies this as well you , would want to for me I don't want my , tags indexed at all so I'd come in here , and unchecked that so that did't make it , into the sitemap and then right here we , have the HTML sitemap options so , essentially it's saying you take this , short code and create a page and maybe , call it user site map or site map or , something like that you pop in the , short code and then what's going to , happen it'seagoing to show everything out , in a visual nature but you get options , right hereto exclude certain bits of , content if you wanted to do that and you , get this option right here I think this , is fantastic feature that you might , benefit from okay and let me just go , ahead and verify that that everything , else is the same and everything else is , the same so so far we're all synced up , okay except for in Pro I enabled the , video sitemap that's going to be an , option on a page-by-page and post by , post basis okay so let's go ahead and , click on social network'll do that on , both of these so we can go through those , at the same time this is another example , of where they're gonna be the same , settings okay so what this is going to , give you the option to set some , information about your website in your , business and these are just simple , settings you just fill them out okay so , the first thing right here is is this , website fora person or an organization , you're popping your logo and you're , putting the name of you or the , organization you're putting all that , here so you're just filling information , out and so next we'll click on social , accounts and again we're just filling , information out this is a knowledge , graph we're given this information it's , right here we're giving Otto search , engines that come to the website so , right here we're just going to be , plugging in links to various social , networks next is Facebook open graph , data so what that is and I just had a , video recently about why you need an SEO , plugin so someone takes a link to a , piece of your con , and pastes it on Facebook Facebook then , goes and gets some information from your , website and what do they get they try to , get an image and they get a title and , they get Little bit of meta , description so right here is going to , give you the option to select a default , image if you wanted and you can also , link this up with some Facebook related , stuff this is not something that you , have to do I'vie actually never done it , so it says Facebook link ownership ID , admin ID and app ID I can'tavern tell , you the real benefit of having those , because I'veneer added that to any of , my websites but this is going to give , you the opportunity to have these as , options when you're in a post or a page , and'll show you that when we get there , but it will also give you Chance to , put some defaults in and the same exact , information here's for Twitter if you , want this information in these options , available on a page by page or post by , post basis you can have this on or off , here and right here it's saying if you , don'twat to put the Twitter , information and just pull it from the , Facebook information I would definitely , recommend leaving that as is unless I , know I will get to that in a moment the , poster page when we're actually putting , this information and this is giving you , the options for your defaults okay next , let's go to Coagulants options , right here and then we're going to do , this as well in the paid version and we , will just compare the two so the only , difference is when you're adding the , Google Analytic sand you have the pro , version and if you wanted to do the , Google Analytic there's this option , here for there to be stat sin the , dashboard that's the only difference , here so what's really nice about this , SEO plug-in including Google Analytic , is that's probably one less plugin you , need to have on your website right , anyways right here if you're not going , to use Coagulants through this , plug-in just go ahead and toggle it off , okay , all right so right here you would check , this box to enable it pop in your Google , Analyticstracking ID and what's nice is , there's a link here that's going to take , you to where you can actually find that , it'actually super easy to do that and , then there's a bunch of really nice , options here for the , google analytic integration on your , website so the first one right here is , to make it a little rectory friendly , so you can check that box right here and , this is actually something I did't , realize the plug-in did but you might , already have an existing solution so , it's going to give you the option to , have a message asking the person that , visits your website to consent tithe , tracking information being collected so , this is more gdprcompatibility I like , that this is all there it just shows the , developer wants to be able to enable you , to be GDP compliant if that's what you , want okay you have control over the , button and here is some exclude user , rules from tracking so I'd recommend , definitely checking on administrator by , doing this Google Analytic will not be , tracking your usage because if you're , using your website it's not the data , that you want in paralytics okay so , then you have a bunch of tracking , parameters here you can just check boxes , and things can automatically start being , done for you and makes things easy so I , can check this box right here to enable , re marketing this is if you want to do , re marketing someone visit your website , you want to toss and add their way when , they're on different website , well that's re marketing so we'vie got , that IP addressanonymization this is , more GDP stuff right here enhance link , attribution and cross-domain tracking , cross-domain tracking is when you have a , separate like abdomen for maybe your , store or your membership area and you , want that you want the same tracking , across the two domains you can enable , this right here that's some really , pretty advanced stuff you don't usually , see that as mu chin the default Google , Analytic code that you'd Putin your , website or some of the plugin sand right , here you can track external links so , when there's a link that clicks out you , can track that you can track when , someone downloads a document and you can , put the document exception here PDF , do see X which is award document or a , PowerPoint whatever and then right here , if you're using an affiliate link , unplug-in on your website that , has kind of a a slug so this would be I , don't use it but , an example would be WP craftily / go , / SEO press if I was doing that I could , track Ito don't do that but if you're , doing that you can click this box and , you could put what that little slug is , in that example it would have been go it , could pop that right in there and then , you have some custom dimension stuff , right here this is more advanced Google , Analytic related stuff what's crazy is , this is all in this free plugin and if , you noticed everything we looked at in , the free plugin did't see really any , Nags to buy it there's only an AG in one , location and that'seen I look at the , plug-in listing right there I'll show , you that in a moment , but this is everything is all in the , free version it's that good let me just , show you that quick plug-in nag or , upgrade nagging it so that's it right , there red go pro that's it that's the , only time he's asking you to buy it this , is a great plugin , OK so let's jump into the settings here , sou can just blast through them and , then we're gonna go into the most , important part of the plugin really is , the individual settings on a post by , post or page by page basis so I'm , going to continue so now we have some , additional options so we went over , advanced we went over tool sand here's , the bot option so this is all pro I'm , gonna spend just like or 3 minutes on , it so what this is going to do is , automatically if you wanted to scan all , the content of your website to find , errors with links and so you can request , the bot it'gonna go ahead and scan , everything and this is gonna you know if , you have a simple website that maybe has , always had page sit's not gonna find , anything probably unless there's some , kind of typo error but if you have an , active site we are constantly adding and , changing content that's my website it , becomes a bear to manage so what this , bot doe sit's gonna find it says right , here it'seagoing to scan the links to , find errors which is something very good , and then you have a little bit more , granular control hereof how many posts , or pages it will scan in a batch and , also which types of content you might , want to include or exclude from being , scanned and you have all these options , right here the , options to pop in your license I haven't , even done that here next is the pro , options and this is going to be kind of , like the settings panel for the pro , version there are three more tabs here , of options but this is where a lot of , the stuff is going to be so right here , is to add the information if you're a , local business to add that information , and like Is aid this is just feeling , stuff out so that when a search engine , comes to your website they're gonna have , as much information on it as possible , the Dublin core this is related to meta , tags you could just leave this enabled , structured data now this is going to be , something that we're gonna have if it's , on we're gonna have additional options , when we go to create blog post and I'm , going to show you what that is I'm gonna , leave this enabled of course but if , you're not going to use structured data , you could turn it off so right here what , you'd want to first do is check this box , and add your logo the logo that you're , using on your website but we're going to , look into what that structured data is , in just two or three minutes , okay breadcrumbs will leave this enabled , here's Commerce we're not seeing , any options here because Id on't have , woke immerse installed on the website , but it's going to be very similar , options to allow you to set the various , metadata information for Commerce's , well as easy digital downloads okay we , have spade speed option right here and , what this is going to do is just trigger , the website being analyzed fora page , speed test that's it and then you can , click this right here and it's gonna , send the report to you I probably , would't use this much you have control , over your robots.text file you don't know , what that is definitely turn this off , most people will not need Togo into , their robots that text file next is that , Google News did you want it on so if you , did turn it on like this what it's going , to do is enable the options here's to , view the sitemap here's to flush the , planks if you try to view the , sitemap and you can't see it here's , where it's going to add it tithe , sitemap right here you plug in just fill , out your publication name right here and , the type of content that would be , included as Google News and for most , people that's just going to be posts , we're almost done , with our options here's our W page , options you can enable this or disable , this what this is going to do is keep a , log of those W so for for someone , comes Tao page on your website that , dozen't exist since it sends them to , this W page this gives you some nice , Control Number one it's going to monitor , it number two , well this is for when it'monitoring it , if the an entry that it's found in a W , error on it'll delete it after days , this is good maintenance next you have , some options if someone was to get a W , would you want to redirect them you want , to send them tithe home page or a , custom URL , maybe you create a new new page saying , oh hey sorry that wan'there here's a , search box instead or some other content , that you might like so you can do all of , that right here and if you wanted to you , could check this box and it will send , you an email notification when you have , someone hitting W page so you could , do that pop your email address in right , there that'sour W here's the HT , access control and this is another one , of those things if you do not know what , Otis I'd recommend not messing with , this lot of the plugins that you might , add to your website including these , plugin and security plugins they're , automatically gonna add entries to your , HT Access file rarely are you gonna need , to get into that but sometimes you might , need to for troubleshooting purposes but , you can get yourself into trouble by , messing with that too much okay RSS feed , that's you know a data feed I use , something called things like feebly or , something like that and so you can , control what is in your data feeds this , is probably a subject for its own video , but you can have Little content before , you can restrict how much content is , actually in your RSS feed which is , actually usually a good deal what , happens is if you ever seen a site , that's just sucking in content from , other web sites where they're taking , their RSS feeds and whatever those web , sites push out in their RSS feeds these , these sponge web sites just suck it all , in and and republish it without their , permission and it's a bit oaf problem , this gives you some control , over that obviously you don't have full , control over that okay , back links this requires a majestic , integration that's something you pay for , you'll get an API key and it'gonna , list out all the back links to your , website but so the features there but , the service is not free okay URL , rewriting would also recommend on this , feature to leave it as off okay we only , have three more features Togo before we , go into a post or a page okay , pro version gives you the ability to set , up redirects if you're just gonna use , the free version there'plugins for , adding redirects so right here it you , just click on add a redirect and so what , a redirect ISIS say you had a piece of , content and you wanted to redirect , anyone that goes to that URL to , someplace else that's a redirect so , right here enter the old URL right here , into the new URL you can enable it and , then choose the type of redirect that , you wanted so you can do that in this , Splurging I think it's great you can , actually also import your redirects , right here and you can also export your , redirects right here for the broken , links this is going to trigger the , scanning for those broken links on your , website and it will list out all that , information right here so that you can , go ahead and fix it okay and here's the , back links this is that list if you had , majestic integrated to see all the , balkiest your website so that is , that next the one of the main things , you're going to do with an SEO plugin is , you're gonna set the metadata for each , piece of content so I have one post here , and I actually have the post on both , websites so let's go ahead and see what , that's like and there's some really neat , features in the pro version for this but , there's everything you need already is , going to be in the free version okay so , I have the same article on both of these , now when you scroll down this is what , you get right here these two boxes right , here says SEO and there's these tab sand , then right here it says content analysis , so essentially you would pop in your , keyword here it would analyze your , content and then give you some , suggestions I Giotto say out of all the , time I'vie had websites I'vie never used , content analysis once in my life , and I don'think I'gonna be doing it , anytime soon okay so let's first go , ahead and take a look at these options , now what's nice is this is where on a , page by page or post my post basis you , can set that title so the title like I , said is what you see right here and then , this is the description and you can , customize this on a post by post basis , and you're definitely going to want to , do that so if you just wanted it to take , the title of the blog post you can do , that it's gonna do that automatically , that's why it says what is the fastest , SEO plugin or you can click in here and , change it now what what this is is , giving you a preview of what it's , actually going to look like on Google so , here is my title and it's showing it , here and then the Meta Description it , just automatically pulls the first a , certain amount of characters from the , blog post so you can see right here it , says increasing the Word Press memory , limit if I scroll up here increasing the , Word Press memory limit it has that right , there let's actually put that in our , clipboard okay and so that's pretty much , it and you could go ahead and customize , this this is the most important thing , that you could do for SEO and what I'vie , always advise dis to make this juicy , mean this is where the the whole art of , writing a of copy writing comes in if , someone's doing sear chin your website , the link to the piece of content on your , websites listed there you'vie got to , write something here that's gonna give , someone a reason to click and you have , plenty of opportunities so right here , you typically want your keyword that , you're going after for this piece of , content you want it in the title and you , also want it in the description here but , you get full control over taking that , little extra step and putting it in here , okay versus letting it choose , automatically alright and then we have , this Advanced tab here so if this , particular piece of content you did't , want indexed by search engine you check , this box and you have similar options , right here as well next is how do you , want Otto look for social media so when , someone takes a link to this piece of , content pops that sucker and Twitter or , Facebook what information do you want to , show what image do you want it to , what title what little bit of , description do you wanted to show you , get full control over that with this , plug-in so right here's for Facebook you , can put a title in description now , check this out if you don't put anything , in here you know what's gonna happen , it's just gonna pull in what you had , here for me honestly Ire ally don't take , that extra step to go and fill it in for , the social media as well because I , figure it's just gonna be the same same , thing that I want here is the same thing , I'm gonna want here so I never even fill , this out to begin with but anyways you , could plug it in here if you wanted , something different if you wanted a , customized thumbnail for Facebook you do , it here and the same goes for Twitter , right here that'just how I do things , okay and if you wanted to redirect this , post to someplace else now this is nice , it gives you this option in the free , version we're still in the free version , I can just enable it and put a link here , so if I wanted this to go someplace else , it'super easy next let's pop the , information into the content analysis so , Copied a little bit , I should have nope I did'ts let me go , ahead and go ahead and take this little , bit of code right here I'm gonna paste , it in tithe content analysis and let's , see what it says right here so analyze , the content oops let me click that there , it'just gonna take a second now I'vie , got to save my post or just click on , update and it should show the analysis , down there let's see I'm going down here , and here's the content analysis so it's , going to just do some standard analysis , on what you have and the post content , the title the content and all that and , start making suggestions so you could , just go through and follow all these , suggestions if you want like I said I , don'usually do this and it's gonna , have couple other options here for , your configuration it's gonna have this , here for your images now I don'thieve , any images but if I did have images that , did not have alt tag sit would give me a , notice here and then right here if there , was links it would give me some , information based upon the links now , these options are going to be the same , options that you see over in when you're , creating a page or if you have a piece , of custom post type and that's pretty , much what's involved with SEO optimizing , your page or posts but let me show you , some really interesting things in the , pro version so if you're only gonna have , the free version this might interest you , so it's worth paying attention okay so , I'vie got the same post right here the , same bit of information so we're gonna , have some additional options here that , we did't have so we have the same title , the same advanced social redirection , this is all the same but here's for our , Google News so if I wanted to exclude , this from Google News I could put this , here or that'st here Google News is a , great source of traffic if you put up a , good amount of content on your website , and then right here's for the video , sitemap so if I wanted if I had avid , inhere and I wanted it added Tao , specific sitemap for video right here is , where I would add that information so , right here I'd put the information about , the video links to the video and upload , an image for the video a thumbnail if I , wanted to I'd have full control over all , of that right here okay let's scroll and , let's go back to title let's scroll down , here and this is one of the things that , I really like about the paid version and , this is a feature I would use so you pop , your target keyword in but it has this , Google suggestion so if you ever , searched anything on Google and then you , scrolled all the way down it showed a , couple other suggested related terms , search terms and you could just click on , it well what what they'vie integrate din , the pro version is pulling that , information in so if I paste it in this , phrase Word Press memory limit and then I , clicked on get suggestion you can see , just took a split second it gives me , other keyword phrases suggestions so , Word Press memory limit for TM Word Press , memory limit error and the reason it , does this is you would be able to get , more traffic tithe piece of content , that you're creating , if you incorporated more of what these , related terms are so these are called , long tail keyword phrase , so my keyword phrasesWordPress memory , limit but people are searching these so , if I would include Little paragraph , organically about plug-in about it , right there or include this W MB this , is making suggestions that I might not , have already thought of of of longer , tell phrases that I would want to , organically include inside this article , in order for it to be suggested when , people are making these search terms , right here using these making these , searches got to say this is one of the , convenience features that I really like , about this plugin that it has it right , here obviously I could go to google and , I can search this in Google and that'd , be the freeway and that's totally fine , too , but Just find this so convenient to , have it right here as well so now when , we scroll Dona little bit more we , actually get another option box for , structured data types and this is what's , gonna add those Rich Snippets so let me , show you there's a list here of the , different types of structured data that , they offer now I have several videos on , structured data that's when you are , doing a search in Google and you're , seeing more information there maybe it's , review stars maybe it's a product price , something along those lines recipe how , long it takes to complete a recipe event , details so the this plug-in actually , gives you some of those options right , here so the types of schema that are , available is article course recipe video , event and product so if I was making a , page about an event and their specific , dates I can go in here I can choose , event and it gives Mae little bit of , information about it some pointer sand , then right here can start adding all , this information the date of the event , the time the location all that kind of , stuff , so what this doe sis it hands Google all , this info on a silver platter , so that when Google's compiling their , search results it can also take some of , that information and show it here before , someone even clicks through on your , website so you don't have to have an , additional plugin for that in full , disclosure do use those schema Pro , on my website because there's some , advanced features that , that this dozen'Tod but this is great , if you just want to start tiptoeing in , and you might not need the more powerful , plugin this is an additional great value , that they add to the plugin so that is , in nutshell SEO press and a lot of the , same options you saw here for our post , is also going to be on a page and it , will be on products if you have , Wickedest'll be on all of that now , if we're here on their website I want to , point you to something if you did want , to buy it'singly W bucks think the , price is going to go up to maybe W , bucks later in the year per year it's , unlimited installations visit WP craft er , dot-com slash SEO press but what , wanted to show you was right here , underneath support there are some , articles so there's some guides , frequently asked questions you get your , change log and you get all this other , stuff right here so you might want to , checkout the guides it's pretty good it , tells you more information about , analytic appearance all this stuff it's , all just listed out here so if there's , any bit of information that I might have , left out or not gone over in enough , detail in this video you could go ahead , and just check it out right here and , you'll have that information there , available for you I gotta say SEO press , is a joy to work with I'm sure you , notice the interface is very simple and , clean lightweight and fast it gives you , plenty of granular control it dozen't , quite feel as complicated and , overwhelming as a lot of the other SEO , plugins most of it is really just , filling out the information that's , really all Otis as filling out the , information that it's asking the for so , anyways if you have any additional , questions about this plugin , feel free to leave the min the comment , section down below'll do my best to , answer those if you found value in this , video if you would consider giving it a , thumb sup remember to subscribe tithe , channel and turn Ina click on that , notification bell that's the way you're , going to find out when'vie uploaded new , videos is when you click on that bell , hey thank you for spending this time , with me today and I will see you in the , next video  

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