How to Get Website Traffic From Facebook Fan Pages (Tips)


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what's going on in this video I'm going , to show you how to get more Facebook , Fan page traffic to your blog posts and , your YouTube videos my name is Stan , Brock the deadbeat super affiliate and , before we get started make sure you hit , that subscribe button right NOW am , releasing new videos on affiliate , marketing make money online traffic , generations and more hit that , subscribe button alright so that further , ado let's get started what I'm going to , show you here today is a powerful way to , get traffic from Facebook fan pages the , right way alright so if you do this the , wrong way you're going to be leaving , lot of traffic on the table it has , everything to do with Facebook edge rank , alright so well that said let's jump , right on in , get those tube socks ready and that , sounded pretty weirdos let's just get , on in tithe good stuff , you ready deadbeats here we go all right , what is up deadbeats so what you see , here on the screen is the Facebook fan , page for my deadbeat super affiliate , brand alright so I'going to do is walk , you through some of the posts that , made recently and show you which ones do , better and hopefully by doing this , you'll be able to understand the best , way to use your Facebook fan page to get , traffic to your blog posts and your , YouTube videos alright so if you haven't , seen my Facebook fan page you can go to , slash deadbeat super , affiliate alright so go there now you , use this to follow along with the , tutorial here alright so let me show you , a recent post this is one I just made , just kind of for an example sake of this , video show you the wrong way to do it , alright so a lot of people what they do , is they post a quick paragraph and link , to whatever posts are trying to promote , so this could be a blog post it could be , YouTube video and you can see that , this is the typical format that people , usually use to promote their stuff , alright now if you look at the amount of , people who have liked this page so far I , have people by the way if you , haven'talked it like the Facebook page , and you can see here that people , were reached , so W out of the people ended up , seeing this post alright so what this is , telling me that is if you link directly , to an external source whether it be a , YouTube video blog posts Facebook USN't , going to give you all the coverage that , it would give you if you do it another , way alright so let's look at another , piece of content and just give you an , idea how much exposure these get so what , Id id was I just took a quick picture of , me passed out next to my Christmas tree , on Christmas Day here and you can see , that four hundred and eighty-three , people were able to actually see this , image compared to five hundred and fifty , people who like my Facebook fan page , here so you can see that images do much , better when you don't link to external , content here's another example here's , one about about people in suits look , really successful until you find out , they work for men in pajamas so this , particular one six hundred and , sixty-eight people were reached which is , crazy if you think about only have W , people liking the page so people must , have came back and look at this pay and , looked at this page again or you came , from my YouTube channel and saw this , image for whatever reason alright so , this is telling me that images and , content directly in the Status page are , the best way to go about this all right , so now that you know that here is the , best way to approach this to get as much , traffic as possible to whatever you're , trying to link to so what I'm gonna do , is just give you a quick example alright , so here I'm going to post something else , do Mylars latest YouTube videos about , the new version on my deadbeat theme so , let me type that in , all right so what I did was it just to , quick information about the new version , of my deadbeat theme which is really , coo land at the end of the post this is , the secret here you're going to say , created a YouTube video or blog post and , I link to it in the first comment below , this post right here so you can see that , this this part of the content here , alright so in addition to this what you , want to do is now that we know that , images do better than static post or , images with links in the actual content , we're going to add a thumbnail alright , so since this is YouTube video I'm , actually going to include the thumbnail , image for the YouTube video as the cover , image of this Facebook post alright so , we're going to do that add that in there , and then you post the contents let me , post that alright now the second step of , the process is to include the YouTube , video link in the first comment of your , posit'm going to do that right now so , I'm typing here's the YouTube video and , then we post it now over time this is , going to take about two or three days , for everyone to see the post you'll , notice that if you do it with this , format you get much more exposure and , you actually get higher quality clicks , because the user has to go through an , additional small step to actually see , the video so by the time that your user , or your visitor clicks on this link , they're already pare-qualified for the , page that they're going to Landon so it , dozen'matter if it's YouTube video , or blog post all right so that's it for , the quick tip I'm just flip back to my , in-person video and give you some final , words about what you'vie learned in this , video here today all right so let me , flip back'll talk to you there alright , so there you have it that's how easy it , is to get traffic from your Facebook , pages to your YouTube videos and your , blog posts all right so now if you want , to learn how to turn that traffic into , affiliate commissions have a guy that , you can access right now for free it's , going to popup right here on the screen , so click that image if you can't click , that image just type into your browser , URL address bar right now deadbeat , University com , slash guide alright so what this guy , shows you is step by step how to build , an affiliate marketing campaign from the , ground up from scratch from the comfort , of your living room sofa alright so for , the time being this is , many people have gotten their start with , this exact guide right here I'm showing , up on the screen so click that to get , that guide it'll take you may bean hour , Toto to start getting this into motion , to the point where you can start , funneling Facebook traffic to your new , affiliate campaign alright deadbeats I , hope you enjoyed this video if you have , it make sure you subscribe to this , channel the buttons either here or here , I'm releasing new content on affiliate , marketing make my online YouTube videos , traffic generations and more hit that , subscribe button also share this video , with your friends and comment below if , you have any questions for me about , Facebook pages fan paid traffic blogging , YouTube video sand More am here to , help'll do my best to assist you my , name is Dan Brock the deadbeat super , affiliate'll see you deadbeats later  

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