How to Build Backlinks for your Shopify Store Using Donation SEO Method


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hey Spiffy store owners in this video , Justin will be showing you how to build , backlinks for your Spiffy store using , the donation SEO method hi this is , Justin from OSI affiliate software and , in today's video'm going to show you a , method for building backlinks to your , e-commerce website called donation SEO , now the way donation SEO works is you , essentially find places that are , accepting donations and that also allow , for you to place in your anchor text and , link which will be then placed on a , website so that you can get a link from , that website , so finding these website scan actually , be more difficult than you would think , you'll probably find a lot of websites , that allow donations but not the links , that you're looking for so I'm going to , show you a few different ways that you , can pinpoint these individual websites , first way you can do this is by using , crowdfunding websites such as , Kick starter so what I'm gonna do is I'm , gonna search forecaster so what I'm , gonna do is I'going to do a search on , Kick starter's website only so I'gonna , type in site kick and I'm , going to type Ina quote link now I'm , gonna put a star here and then website , now what this is doing is because of , this site Ecstatically my results , will only be from Kick starter calm now , these quotes make sure that the word , link and website are going to be in , these Kick starter project sand this star , means that there can be any number of , words between the word slink and website , so this could show up as a link to your , website or link to website so this , star basically allows me to get better , results so once I hit the search button , let me get a bunch of results and , actually quit ea bit as you can see over , W million so first thing we can do is , click on this search tools button and , change the time to past week so now what , we can do is we can find a Kick starter , campaign that doe sallow me to add links , to my website onto their website if I , donate so let'click on this one so , once I'm here you'll see that there are , 0 backers right now and$0 pledged right , now so we don't really know for sure if , this project is going to get funded , completely there are days left so , there is a decent chance but if we go , over here to the rewards for your , pledges let's see if we can find one it , tells us about the link so I'm actually , going to hit command on a Mac or ctr , F on a Mac and search for link and as , you can see if I give $W I do get a , link to my business for W months so it , is only for W months but it is still , link and of course we can go back and , see if there's any other projects that , we would be interested in and there are , quite a few that you can look through , you can try changing the time to past , month you might get some good results , using that as you can see if I click on , this fir stone this one's got nine days , to go once then we can do command F look , for a link and look at that for $I , get a link to my website and this one as , you can see does have a lot of funding , in fact , this one's already been funded so this , is basically a guaranteed link and this , is for the world's smallest mobile phone , this sounds like a promising idea to me , this is something that could potentially , really take off and if it does then , having a link on their website is going , to be huge , now there's also some search terms that , you can use to find links on other , websites that are looking for donations , besides just crowdfunding website so , what we're gonna do is type in donors , plus links with quotes around both now , what this does is it looks for pages , that have the exact word donors and the , exact word links somewhere on their , website because chances are these places , will have both donors and links to these , donors so if we click on this second one , right here as you can see it's just , links to donors and sponsor sand , basically it tells you who their , sponsors are so this is definitely , place where you could get your website , posted all you have to do is find a , place to donate if you go over here you , can click on donation form and they will , allow you to donate to them and of , course you would just need to ask for a , link the next one you can try is recent , donors plus links both in quotes as , before now if we click on this first , result as you can see there are a list , of people who have donated and right , here they have especial thanks to their , most faithful donor sand one of these , people actually do have link to their , personal website so if we can find a , place to donate this would be a good , place to use so if we scroll down a , little bit her ewe'vie got how you can , help you click on that and yes here we , go right here you have a website and , also PayPal donate button another one , you can use is typing in thanks star , following star , donors and that is Allie note basically , how this work sis it's looking for these , three word sin this order but there can , be any word or words where these stars , are now what we can do is we can reverse , engineer other people's donation work to , see if there's other places that we can , donate to to get our own backlinks , basically how this works is that we're , gonna look at other backlinks from for , instance Downy's house restaurant and , see if they're donating to other places , and if they are these places probably , allow for backlinks as well so what , we're gonna do is right click and go to , copy link address now what we're gonna , do is open up a heroism and login and , I'm gonna just paste in that URL , now that we'vie searched the link it's , gonna tell us how many backlinks there , are and the referring domains what we're , gonna do is click on this links right , her ewe can see all of the different , websites that are linking to this page , now there are few and actually there's , W so instead of going through all , these I can actually take few , shortcuts to go a little bit faster so , once again'm going to use command F , and then research for do ion are , basically this is gonna look for any , text that has donor in it and as you can , see this website right here it actually , ha sit in the URL itself so I'm gonna go , ahead and open up this link and as you , can see they did contribute to one of , these pages and they did get link from , it so this is another place that we can , donate to and get a link from if we go , back into refs , as you can see there are quit ea few , different donation pages we can keep , looking now not all of the donation page , are going to say donors in them so we , could you know change this to something , like contributors that did't pop , anything up but we can also look at the , second page and see if there's any other , donation sites as you can see there's , not so it looks like we found all of , them , but this is just a great way to reverse , engineer their backlinks well I hope you , enjoyed this video , once again this is Justin from OSI , affiliate software thank you so much for , watching and be sure to check out our , other videos about-commerce marketing , thank you  

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